#!/bin/bash echo "####################################################################" echo "# docker_typo3_setup_script #" echo "# Dennis Buchhorn - bucde@b-eit.de #" echo "####################################################################" echo "# WARNING: password is plain text input! #" echo "# #" echo "# Config will be saved in 'config' file. #" echo "# (everything in plain text, even the password) #" #echo "# #" echo "####################################################################" echo "" DATE=$(date +'%y%m%d%H%M%S') CONFIG_EXISTS="false" USE_EXISTING_CONFIG="" DELETE_CONFIG="" TYPO3_PROJECT_NAME="typo3_${DATE}" TYPO3_PROJECT_NAME_SUFFIX="" TYPO3_CONTAINER_NAME="${TYPO3_PROJECT_NAME}_core" TYPO3_IMAGE="martinhelmich/typo3" TYPO3_VERSION="" TYPO3_HOST_IP_ADDRESS="" TYPO3_HOST_PORT="" read -p "Enter typo3 project name suffix (leave empty for none): " TYPO3_PROJECT_NAME_SUFFIX if [ -n "$TYPO3_PROJECT_NAME_SUFFIX" ]; then TYPO3_PROJECT_NAME="${TYPO3_PROJECT_NAME}_${TYPO3_PROJECT_NAME_SUFFIX}" TYPO3_CONTAINER_NAME="${TYPO3_CONTAINER_NAME}_${TYPO3_PROJECT_NAME_SUFFIX}" fi rm -f .env touch .env echo "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME="$TYPO3_PROJECT_NAME >> .env echo "TYPO3_CONTAINER_NAME="$TYPO3_CONTAINER_NAME >> .env if [ -f "config" ]; then CONFIG_EXISTS="true" read -p "Config file 'config' already exists! Would you like to use this? (y/n)" USE_EXISTING_CONFIG fi if [ $CONFIG_EXISTS == "false" ] || [ $USE_EXISTING_CONFIG == "n" ]; then read -p "Would you like to use custom image 'b-eit/typo3'? (y/n)" USE_CUSTOM_IMAGE if [ $USE_CUSTOM_IMAGE == "y" ]; then echo "You have to build this image (with correct version you want to use) befor manualy with the build script!" read -p "Have you done this? (ENTER)" TYPO3_IMAGE="b-eit/typo3" fi read -p "Enter typo3 version which should be used: " TYPO3_VERSION read -p "Enter host (vm) ip address on which typo3 should be accessible: " TYPO3_HOST_IP_ADDRESS read -p "Enter host (vm) port on which typo3 should be accessible: " TYPO3_HOST_PORT rm -f config touch config echo "TYPO3_VERSION="$TYPO3_VERSION >> config echo "TYPO3_HOST_IP_ADDRESS="$TYPO3_HOST_IP_ADDRESS >> config echo "TYPO3_HOST_PORT="$TYPO3_HOST_PORT >> config echo "Config file 'config' created!" else echo "Use existing config file 'config'!" fi cat "config" >> ".env" read -p "Should the config file 'config' be deleted after creating the container? (y/n)" DELETE_CONFIG mkdir -p fileadmin typo3conf uploads docker-compose up -d echo -n "Wait until typo3 is ready ..." #while [ "`docker inspect -f {{.State.Health.Status}} $KIMAI_CONTAINER_NAME`" != "healthy" ]; do #echo -n "." #sleep 1 #done echo -e "\nTypo3 is ready!" if [ $DELETE_CONFIG == "y" ]; then rm -f config echo "Config file 'config' deleted!" fi rm -f .env echo "Done!"