Browse Source

support PORT sign align

g2384 6 years ago
5 changed files with 397 additions and 78 deletions
  1. +3
  2. +152
  3. +161
  4. +40
  5. +41

+ 3
- 1
VHDLFormatter.html View File

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
<input type="checkbox" id="check_alias">Check ALIAS (every long name is replaced with ALIAS)</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="sign_align">Align signs in PORT()</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="sign_align">Align signs in PORT() GENERIC()</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="sign_align_all">Align signs in all places</label>
@ -309,7 +309,9 @@
var newLineSettingsDict = {};
newLineSettingsDict["generic"] = new_line_after_generic;
newLineSettingsDict["generic map"] = new_line_after_generic;
newLineSettingsDict["port"] = new_line_after_port;
newLineSettingsDict["port map"] = new_line_after_port;
newLineSettingsDict[";"] = new_line_after_semicolon;
newLineSettingsDict["then"] = new_line_after_then;
newLineSettingsDict["else"] = new_line_after_else;

+ 152
- 16
VHDLFormatter.js View File

@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ function fetchHeader(url, wch) {
return "";
String.prototype.count = function (text) {
return this.split(text).length - 1;
String.prototype.regexStartsWith = function (pattern) {
var searchResult =;
return searchResult == 0;
@ -238,7 +241,7 @@ class BeautifierSettings {
this.RemoveComments = removeComments;
this.RemoveAsserts = removeReport;
this.CheckAlias = checkAlias;
this.SignAlign = signAlign;
this.SignAlignRegional = signAlign;
this.SignAlignAll = signAlignAll;
this.KeywordCase = keywordCase;
this.Indentation = indentation;
@ -272,6 +275,13 @@ function beautify(input, settings) {
input = arr.join("\r\n");
input = input.replace(/(PORT|PROCESS|GENERIC)[\s]*\(/g, '$1 (');
input = SetNewLinesAfterSymbols(input, settings.NewLineSettings);
arr = input.split("\r\n");
let quotes = EscapeQuotes(arr);
if (settings.RemoveAsserts) {
RemoveAsserts(arr); //RemoveAsserts must be after EscapeQuotes
ApplyNoNewLineAfter(arr, settings.NewLineSettings.noNewLineAfter);
input = arr.join("\r\n");
//input = beautify2(input, settings);
input = input.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9\); ])\);(@@comments[0-9]+)?@@end/g, '$1\r\n);$2@@end');
@ -283,8 +293,9 @@ function beautify(input, settings) {
input = input.replace(/([\(\)])[ ]?(THEN)/gi, '$1 $2');
input = input.replace(/(^|[\(\)])[ ]?(AND|OR|XOR|XNOR)[ ]*([\(])/g, '$1 $2 $3');
input = input.replace(/ ([\-\*\/=+<>])[ ]*([\-\*\/=+<>]) /g, " $1$2 ");
input = input.replace(/\r\n[ \t]+--\r\n/g, "\r\n");
//input = input.replace(/\r\n[ \t]+--\r\n/g, "\r\n");
input = input.replace(/[ ]+/g, ' ');
input = input.replace(/[ \t]+\r\n/g, "\r\n");
input = input.replace(/\r\n\r\n\r\n/g, '\r\n');
input = input.replace(/[\r\n\s]+$/g, '');
input = input.replace(/[ \t]+\)/g, ')');
@ -293,6 +304,9 @@ function beautify(input, settings) {
beautify3(arr, result, settings, 0, 0);
arr = FormattedLineToString(result, settings.Indentation);
input = arr.join("\r\n");
for (var k = 0; k < quotes.length; k++) {
input = input.replace(ILQuotesPrefix + k, quotes[k]);
for (var k = 0; k < commentsIndex; k++) {
input = input.replace(ILCommentPrefix + k, comments[k]);
@ -315,7 +329,12 @@ function FormattedLineToString(arr, indentation) {
arr.forEach(i => {
if (i instanceof FormattedLine) {
result.push((Array(i.Indent + 1).join(indentation)) + i.Line);
if (i.Line.length > 0) {
result.push((Array(i.Indent + 1).join(indentation)) + i.Line);
else {
else {
result = result.concat(FormattedLineToString(i, indentation));
@ -324,8 +343,113 @@ function FormattedLineToString(arr, indentation) {
return result;
exports.FormattedLineToString = FormattedLineToString;
function beautifyCaseBlock(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, indent, isFirstKeyWord) {
if (!inputs[startIndex].regexStartsWith(/(CASE)([\s]|$)/)) {
function GetCloseparentheseEndIndex(inputs, startIndex) {
let openParentheseCount = 0;
let closeParentheseCount = 0;
for (let i = startIndex; i < inputs.length; i++) {
let input = inputs[i];
openParentheseCount += input.count("(");
closeParentheseCount += input.count(")");
if (openParentheseCount > 0
&& openParentheseCount <= closeParentheseCount) {
return i;
return startIndex;
function beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, indent, mode) {
let firstLine = inputs[startIndex];
let regex = new RegExp("[\\w\\s:]*(" + mode + ")([\\s]|$)");
if (!firstLine.regexStartsWith(regex)) {
return startIndex;
let firstLineHasParenthese = firstLine.indexOf("(") >= 0;
let hasParenthese = firstLineHasParenthese;
let blockBodyStartIndex = startIndex;
let secondLineHasParenthese = inputs[startIndex + 1].startsWith("(");
if (secondLineHasParenthese) {
hasParenthese = true;
let endIndex = hasParenthese ? GetCloseparentheseEndIndex(inputs, startIndex) : startIndex;
if (endIndex != startIndex && firstLineHasParenthese) {
inputs[startIndex] = inputs[startIndex].replace(/(PORT|GENERIC|PROCEDURE)([\w ]+)\(([\w\(\) ]+)/, '$1$2(\r\n$3');
let newInputs = inputs[startIndex].split("\r\n");
if (newInputs.length == 2) {
inputs[startIndex] = newInputs[0];
inputs.splice(startIndex + 1, 0, newInputs[1]);
else if (endIndex != startIndex && secondLineHasParenthese) {
inputs[startIndex + 1] = inputs[startIndex + 1].replace(/\(([\w\(\) ]+)/, '(\r\n$1');
let newInputs = inputs[startIndex + 1].split("\r\n");
if (newInputs.length == 2) {
inputs[startIndex + 1] = newInputs[0];
inputs.splice(startIndex + 2, 0, newInputs[1]);
if (firstLineHasParenthese && inputs[startIndex].indexOf("MAP") > 0) {
inputs[startIndex] = inputs[startIndex].replace(/([^\w])(MAP)\s+\(/g, '$1$2(');
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex], indent));
if (secondLineHasParenthese) {
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex + 1], indent));
let blockBodyEndIndex = endIndex;
let i = beautify3(inputs, result, settings, blockBodyStartIndex + 1, indent + 1, endIndex);
if (inputs[i].startsWith(")")) {
if (settings.SignAlignRegional) {
SignAlignRegional(result, blockBodyStartIndex, blockBodyEndIndex);
return i;
exports.beautifyPortGenericBlock = beautifyPortGenericBlock;
function SignAlignRegional(result, startIndex, endIndex) {
let maxSymbolIndex = {};
let allSymbolIndex = {};
for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
let line = result[i].Line;
SetSymbolIndices(line, ":", maxSymbolIndex, allSymbolIndex, i);
SetSymbolIndices(line, ":=", maxSymbolIndex, allSymbolIndex, i);
SetSymbolIndices(line, "=>", maxSymbolIndex, allSymbolIndex, i);
for (let key in maxSymbolIndex) {
let maxIndex = maxSymbolIndex[key];
for (let lineIndex in allSymbolIndex[key]) {
let symbolIndex = allSymbolIndex[key][lineIndex];
if (symbolIndex == maxIndex) {
let line = result[lineIndex].Line;
result[lineIndex].Line = line.substring(0, symbolIndex)
+ (Array(maxIndex - symbolIndex + 1).join(" "))
+ line.substring(symbolIndex);
exports.SignAlignRegional = SignAlignRegional;
function SetSymbolIndices(line, symbol, maxSymbolIndex, allSymbolIndex, index) {
let regex = new RegExp("([\\s\\w]|^)" + symbol + "([\\s\\w]|$)");
let colonIndex = line.regexIndexOf(regex);
if (colonIndex > 0) {
if (maxSymbolIndex.hasOwnProperty(symbol)) {
maxSymbolIndex[symbol] = Math.max(maxSymbolIndex[symbol], colonIndex);
else {
maxSymbolIndex[symbol] = colonIndex;
allSymbolIndex[symbol] = {};
allSymbolIndex[symbol][index] = colonIndex;
function beautifyCaseBlock(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, indent) {
if (!inputs[startIndex].regexStartsWith(/(.+:\s*)?(CASE)([\s]|$)/)) {
return startIndex;
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex], indent));
@ -334,9 +458,9 @@ function beautifyCaseBlock(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, indent, isFirst
return i;
exports.beautifyCaseBlock = beautifyCaseBlock;
function beautify3(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, indent, isFirstKeyWord) {
function beautify3(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, indent, endIndex) {
let i;
let regexOneLineBlockKeyWords = new RegExp(/(PROCEDURE|FUNCTION|IMPURE FUNCTION)[^\w_](?!.+[^\w_]IS([^\w_]|$))/); //match PROCEDURE..; but not PROCEDURE .. IS;
let regexOneLineBlockKeyWords = new RegExp(/(PROCEDURE|FUNCTION|IMPURE FUNCTION)[^\w](?!.+[^\w]IS([^\w]|$))/); //match PROCEDURE..; but not PROCEDURE .. IS;
let blockMidKeyWords = ["ELSE", "ELSIF", "WHEN", "BEGIN"];
let blockStartsKeyWords = [
@ -346,25 +470,37 @@ function beautify3(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, indent, isFirstKeyWord)
let blockEndsKeyWords = ["END"];
let newLineAfterKeyWordsStr = blockStartsKeyWords.join("|");
let blockEndKeyWordsStr = blockEndsKeyWords.join("|");
let blockMidKeyWordsStr = blockMidKeyWords.join("|");
let regexBlockMidKeyWords = new RegExp("(" + blockMidKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w_]|$)");
let regexBlockStartsKeywords = new RegExp("(" + newLineAfterKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w_]|$)");
let regexBlockEndsKeyWords = new RegExp("(" + blockEndKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w_]|$)");
for (i = startIndex; i < inputs.length; i++) {
let regexBlockMidKeyWords = new RegExp("(" + blockMidKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w]|$)");
let regexBlockStartsKeywords = new RegExp("(" + newLineAfterKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w]|$)");
let regexBlockEndsKeyWords = new RegExp("(" + blockEndKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w]|$)");
if (endIndex == null) {
endIndex = inputs.length - 1;
for (i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
let input = inputs[i].trim();
if (input.regexStartsWith(/(CASE)([\s]|$)/)) {
if (input.regexStartsWith(/(.+:\s*)?(CASE)([\s]|$)/)) {
i = beautifyCaseBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, indent);
if (input.regexStartsWith(/[\w\s:]*PORT([\s]|$)/)) {
i = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, indent, "PORT");
if (input.regexStartsWith(/[\w\s:]*GENERIC([\s]|$)/)) {
i = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, indent, "GENERIC");
result.push(new FormattedLine(input, indent));
if (startIndex != 0
&& (input.regexStartsWith(regexBlockMidKeyWords))) {
@ -712,7 +848,7 @@ function beautify2(input, settings) {
lastAlignedSign = "";
else if (settings.SignAlign) {
else if (settings.SignAlignRegional) {
if (port_b && signAlignPos != "") {
if (str.indexOf(signAlignPos) >= 0) {
var a1 = arr[i].split(signAlignPos);
@ -860,7 +996,7 @@ function beautify2(input, settings) {
input = input.replace("@@alignall" + k, Array((align_groups_max[k] - align_groups[k] + 1)).join(" "));
if (settings.SignAlign) {
if (settings.SignAlignRegional) {
for (var k = 0; k < align_i; k++) {
input = input.replace("@@align" + k, Array((align_max[k] - align[k] + 2)).join(" "));

+ 161
- 17
VHDLFormatter.ts View File

@ -60,23 +60,31 @@ declare global {
regexLastIndexOf: (pattern: RegExp, startIndex: number) => number;
reverse: () => string;
regexStartsWith: (pattern: RegExp) => boolean;
count: (text: string) => number;
String.prototype.count = function (text): number {
return this.split(text).length - 1;
String.prototype.regexStartsWith = function (pattern): boolean {
var searchResult =;
return searchResult == 0;
String.prototype.regexIndexOf = function (pattern, startIndex) {
startIndex = startIndex || 0;
var searchResult = this.substr(startIndex).search(pattern);
return (-1 === searchResult) ? -1 : searchResult + startIndex;
String.prototype.regexLastIndexOf = function (pattern, startIndex) {
startIndex = startIndex === undefined ? this.length : startIndex;
var searchResult = this.substr(0, startIndex).reverse().regexIndexOf(pattern, 0);
return (-1 === searchResult) ? -1 : this.length - ++searchResult;
String.prototype.reverse = function () {
return this.split('').reverse().join('');
@ -258,7 +266,7 @@ export class BeautifierSettings {
RemoveComments: boolean;
RemoveAsserts: boolean;
CheckAlias: boolean;
SignAlign: boolean;
SignAlignRegional: boolean;
SignAlignAll: boolean;
KeywordCase: string;
Indentation: string;
@ -269,7 +277,7 @@ export class BeautifierSettings {
this.RemoveComments = removeComments;
this.RemoveAsserts = removeReport;
this.CheckAlias = checkAlias;
this.SignAlign = signAlign;
this.SignAlignRegional = signAlign;
this.SignAlignAll = signAlignAll;
this.KeywordCase = keywordCase;
this.Indentation = indentation;
@ -308,7 +316,14 @@ export function beautify(input: string, settings: BeautifierSettings) {
input = arr.join("\r\n");
input = input.replace(/(PORT|PROCESS|GENERIC)[\s]*\(/g, '$1 (');
input = SetNewLinesAfterSymbols(input, settings.NewLineSettings);
arr = input.split("\r\n");
let quotes = EscapeQuotes(arr);
if (settings.RemoveAsserts) {
RemoveAsserts(arr);//RemoveAsserts must be after EscapeQuotes
ApplyNoNewLineAfter(arr, settings.NewLineSettings.noNewLineAfter);
input = arr.join("\r\n");
//input = beautify2(input, settings);
@ -321,8 +336,9 @@ export function beautify(input: string, settings: BeautifierSettings) {
input = input.replace(/([\(\)])[ ]?(THEN)/gi, '$1 $2');
input = input.replace(/(^|[\(\)])[ ]?(AND|OR|XOR|XNOR)[ ]*([\(])/g, '$1 $2 $3');
input = input.replace(/ ([\-\*\/=+<>])[ ]*([\-\*\/=+<>]) /g, " $1$2 ");
input = input.replace(/\r\n[ \t]+--\r\n/g, "\r\n");
//input = input.replace(/\r\n[ \t]+--\r\n/g, "\r\n");
input = input.replace(/[ ]+/g, ' ');
input = input.replace(/[ \t]+\r\n/g, "\r\n");
input = input.replace(/\r\n\r\n\r\n/g, '\r\n');
input = input.replace(/[\r\n\s]+$/g, '');
input = input.replace(/[ \t]+\)/g, ')');
@ -332,6 +348,10 @@ export function beautify(input: string, settings: BeautifierSettings) {
arr = FormattedLineToString(result, settings.Indentation);
input = arr.join("\r\n");
for (var k = 0; k < quotes.length; k++) {
input = input.replace(ILQuotesPrefix + k, quotes[k]);
for (var k = 0; k < commentsIndex; k++) {
input = input.replace(ILCommentPrefix + k, comments[k]);
@ -357,7 +377,12 @@ export function FormattedLineToString(arr: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[],
arr.forEach(i => {
if (i instanceof FormattedLine) {
result.push((Array(i.Indent + 1).join(indentation)) + i.Line);
if (i.Line.length > 0) {
result.push((Array(i.Indent + 1).join(indentation)) + i.Line);
else {
else {
result = result.concat(FormattedLineToString(i, indentation));
@ -366,8 +391,115 @@ export function FormattedLineToString(arr: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[],
return result;
export function beautifyCaseBlock(inputs: Array<string>, result: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], settings: BeautifierSettings, startIndex: number, indent: number, isFirstKeyWord?: boolean): number {
if (!inputs[startIndex].regexStartsWith(/(CASE)([\s]|$)/)) {
function GetCloseparentheseEndIndex(inputs: Array<string>, startIndex: number): number {
let openParentheseCount: number = 0;
let closeParentheseCount: number = 0;
for (let i = startIndex; i < inputs.length; i++) {
let input = inputs[i];
openParentheseCount += input.count("(");
closeParentheseCount += input.count(")");
if (openParentheseCount > 0
&& openParentheseCount <= closeParentheseCount) {
return i;
return startIndex;
export function beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs: Array<string>, result: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], settings: BeautifierSettings, startIndex: number, indent: number, mode: string): number {
let firstLine: string = inputs[startIndex];
let regex: RegExp = new RegExp("[\\w\\s:]*(" + mode + ")([\\s]|$)");
if (!firstLine.regexStartsWith(regex)) {
return startIndex;
let firstLineHasParenthese: boolean = firstLine.indexOf("(") >= 0;
let hasParenthese: boolean = firstLineHasParenthese;
let blockBodyStartIndex = startIndex;
let secondLineHasParenthese: boolean = inputs[startIndex + 1].startsWith("(");
if (secondLineHasParenthese) {
hasParenthese = true;
let endIndex: number = hasParenthese ? GetCloseparentheseEndIndex(inputs, startIndex) : startIndex;
if (endIndex != startIndex && firstLineHasParenthese) {
inputs[startIndex] = inputs[startIndex].replace(/(PORT|GENERIC|PROCEDURE)([\w ]+)\(([\w\(\) ]+)/, '$1$2(\r\n$3');
let newInputs = inputs[startIndex].split("\r\n");
if (newInputs.length == 2) {
inputs[startIndex] = newInputs[0];
inputs.splice(startIndex + 1, 0, newInputs[1]);
else if (endIndex != startIndex && secondLineHasParenthese) {
inputs[startIndex + 1] = inputs[startIndex + 1].replace(/\(([\w\(\) ]+)/, '(\r\n$1');
let newInputs = inputs[startIndex + 1].split("\r\n");
if (newInputs.length == 2) {
inputs[startIndex + 1] = newInputs[0];
inputs.splice(startIndex + 2, 0, newInputs[1]);
if (firstLineHasParenthese && inputs[startIndex].indexOf("MAP") > 0) {
inputs[startIndex] = inputs[startIndex].replace(/([^\w])(MAP)\s+\(/g, '$1$2(');
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex], indent));
if (secondLineHasParenthese) {
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex + 1], indent));
let blockBodyEndIndex = endIndex;
let i = beautify3(inputs, result, settings, blockBodyStartIndex + 1, indent + 1, endIndex);
if (inputs[i].startsWith(")")) {
if (settings.SignAlignRegional) {
SignAlignRegional(result, blockBodyStartIndex, blockBodyEndIndex);
return i;
export function SignAlignRegional(result: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], startIndex: number, endIndex: number) {
let maxSymbolIndex = {};
let allSymbolIndex = {};
for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
let line = (<FormattedLine>result[i]).Line;
SetSymbolIndices(line, ":", maxSymbolIndex, allSymbolIndex, i);
SetSymbolIndices(line, ":=", maxSymbolIndex, allSymbolIndex, i);
SetSymbolIndices(line, "=>", maxSymbolIndex, allSymbolIndex, i);
for (let key in maxSymbolIndex) {
let maxIndex = maxSymbolIndex[key];
for (let lineIndex in allSymbolIndex[key]) {
let symbolIndex = allSymbolIndex[key][lineIndex];
if (symbolIndex == maxIndex) {
let line = (<FormattedLine>result[lineIndex]).Line;
(<FormattedLine>result[lineIndex]).Line = line.substring(0, symbolIndex)
+ (Array(maxIndex - symbolIndex + 1).join(" "))
+ line.substring(symbolIndex);
function SetSymbolIndices(line: string, symbol: string, maxSymbolIndex: {}, allSymbolIndex: {}, index: number) {
let regex: RegExp = new RegExp("([\\s\\w]|^)" + symbol + "([\\s\\w]|$)");
let colonIndex = line.regexIndexOf(regex);
if (colonIndex > 0) {
if (maxSymbolIndex.hasOwnProperty(symbol)) {
maxSymbolIndex[symbol] = Math.max(maxSymbolIndex[symbol], colonIndex);
else {
maxSymbolIndex[symbol] = colonIndex;
allSymbolIndex[symbol] = {};
allSymbolIndex[symbol][index] = colonIndex;
export function beautifyCaseBlock(inputs: Array<string>, result: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], settings: BeautifierSettings, startIndex: number, indent: number): number {
if (!inputs[startIndex].regexStartsWith(/(.+:\s*)?(CASE)([\s]|$)/)) {
return startIndex;
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex], indent));
@ -377,9 +509,9 @@ export function beautifyCaseBlock(inputs: Array<string>, result: (FormattedLine
return i;
export function beautify3(inputs: Array<string>, result: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], settings: BeautifierSettings, startIndex: number, indent: number, isFirstKeyWord?: boolean): number {
export function beautify3(inputs: Array<string>, result: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], settings: BeautifierSettings, startIndex: number, indent: number, endIndex?: number): number {
let i: number;
let regexOneLineBlockKeyWords: RegExp = new RegExp(/(PROCEDURE|FUNCTION|IMPURE FUNCTION)[^\w_](?!.+[^\w_]IS([^\w_]|$))/);//match PROCEDURE..; but not PROCEDURE .. IS;
let regexOneLineBlockKeyWords: RegExp = new RegExp(/(PROCEDURE|FUNCTION|IMPURE FUNCTION)[^\w](?!.+[^\w]IS([^\w]|$))/);//match PROCEDURE..; but not PROCEDURE .. IS;
let blockMidKeyWords: Array<string> = ["ELSE", "ELSIF", "WHEN", "BEGIN"];
let blockStartsKeyWords: Array<string> = [
@ -389,25 +521,37 @@ export function beautify3(inputs: Array<string>, result: (FormattedLine | Format
let blockEndsKeyWords: Array<string> = ["END"];
let newLineAfterKeyWordsStr: string = blockStartsKeyWords.join("|");
let blockEndKeyWordsStr: string = blockEndsKeyWords.join("|");
let blockMidKeyWordsStr: string = blockMidKeyWords.join("|");
let regexBlockMidKeyWords: RegExp = new RegExp("(" + blockMidKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w_]|$)")
let regexBlockStartsKeywords: RegExp = new RegExp("(" + newLineAfterKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w_]|$)")
let regexBlockEndsKeyWords: RegExp = new RegExp("(" + blockEndKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w_]|$)")
for (i = startIndex; i < inputs.length; i++) {
let regexBlockMidKeyWords: RegExp = new RegExp("(" + blockMidKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w]|$)")
let regexBlockStartsKeywords: RegExp = new RegExp("(" + newLineAfterKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w]|$)")
let regexBlockEndsKeyWords: RegExp = new RegExp("(" + blockEndKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w]|$)")
if (endIndex == null) {
endIndex = inputs.length - 1;
for (i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
let input: string = inputs[i].trim();
if (input.regexStartsWith(/(CASE)([\s]|$)/)) {
if (input.regexStartsWith(/(.+:\s*)?(CASE)([\s]|$)/)) {
i = beautifyCaseBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, indent);
if (input.regexStartsWith(/[\w\s:]*PORT([\s]|$)/)) {
i = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, indent, "PORT");
if (input.regexStartsWith(/[\w\s:]*GENERIC([\s]|$)/)) {
i = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, indent, "GENERIC");
result.push(new FormattedLine(input, indent));
if (startIndex != 0
&& (input.regexStartsWith(regexBlockMidKeyWords))) {
@ -768,7 +912,7 @@ function beautify2(input, settings: BeautifierSettings): string {
if (currentSign == alignedSigns.length) {
lastAlignedSign = "";
} else if (settings.SignAlign) {
} else if (settings.SignAlignRegional) {
if (port_b && signAlignPos != "") {
if (str.indexOf(signAlignPos) >= 0) {
var a1 = arr[i].split(signAlignPos);
@ -911,7 +1055,7 @@ function beautify2(input, settings: BeautifierSettings): string {
if (settings.SignAlign) {
if (settings.SignAlignRegional) {
for (var k = 0; k < align_i; k++) {
input = input.replace("@@align" + k, Array((align_max[k] - align[k] + 2)).join(" "));

+ 40
- 22
VHDLFormatterUnitTests.js View File

@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ function Beautify3Case11() {
new VHDLFormatter_9.FormattedLine("END PROCEDURE;", 1),
new VHDLFormatter_9.FormattedLine("END PACKAGE BODY;", 0)
UnitTest6(VHDLFormatter_8.beautify3, "package", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0);
UnitTest6(VHDLFormatter_8.beautify3, "package procedure", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0);
function Beautify3Case12() {
let new_line_after_symbols = new VHDLFormatter_3.NewLineSettings();
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ function Beautify3Case12() {
new VHDLFormatter_9.FormattedLine("POSTPONED assert x = 1;", 1),
new VHDLFormatter_9.FormattedLine("END ARCHITECTURE;", 0)
UnitTest6(VHDLFormatter_8.beautify3, "package", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0);
UnitTest6(VHDLFormatter_8.beautify3, "package postponed procedure", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0);
function Beautify3Case13() {
let new_line_after_symbols = new VHDLFormatter_3.NewLineSettings();
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ function compareFormattedLine(expected, actual, message, cumulateTestCount) {
function assert(testName, expected, actual, message) {
var result = CompareString(actual, expected);
if (result != true) {
console.log(testName + " failed: " + result);
console.log(testName + " failed: \n" + result);
else {
//console.log(testName + " pass");
@ -592,12 +592,8 @@ function UnitTest() {
expected = "ENTITY TB_DISPLAY IS\r\n -- port declarations\r\nEND TB_DISPLAY;\r\n\r\nARCHITECTURE TEST OF TB_DISPLAY IS\r\n -- signal declarations\r\nBEGIN\r\n -- component instance(s)\r\nEND TEST;";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
assert("ENTITY ARCHITECTURE", expected, actual);
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
newSettings.SignAlign = true;
input = "port map(\r\ninput_1 => input_1_sig,\r\ninput_2 => input_2_sig,\r\noutput => output_sig\r\n);";
expected = "PORT MAP(\r\n input_1 => input_1_sig, \r\n input_2 => input_2_sig, \r\n output => output_sig\r\n);";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("Sign align in PORT", expected, actual);
input = 'if a(3 downto 0) > "0100" then\r\na(3 downto 0) := a(3 downto 0) + "0011" ;\r\nend if ;';
expected = 'IF a(3 DOWNTO 0) > "0100" THEN\r\n a(3 DOWNTO 0) := a(3 DOWNTO 0) + "0011";\r\nEND IF;';
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
@ -606,56 +602,78 @@ function UnitTest() {
expected = "IF s = '1' THEN\r\n o <= \"010\";\r\nELSE\r\n o <= \"101\";\r\nEND IF;";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
assert("IF ELSE END IF case 1", expected, actual);
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
input = "IF (s = r) THEN rr := '0'; ELSE rr := '1'; END IF;";
expected = "IF (s = r) THEN\r\n rr := '0';\r\nELSE\r\n rr := '1';\r\nEND IF;";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("IF ELSE END IF case 2", expected, actual);
input = 'P1:process\r\nvariable x: Integer range 1 to 3;\r\nvariable y: BIT_VECTOR (0 to 1);\r\nbegin\r\n C1: case x is\r\n when 1 => Out_1 <= 0;\r\n when 2 => Out_1 <= 1;\r\n end case C1;\r\n C2: case y is\r\n when "00" => Out_2 <= 0;\r\n when "01" => Out_2 <= 1;\r\n end case C2;\r\nend process;';
expected = 'P1 : PROCESS\r\n VARIABLE x : INTEGER RANGE 1 TO 3;\r\n VARIABLE y : BIT_VECTOR (0 TO 1);\r\nBEGIN\r\n C1 : CASE x IS\r\n WHEN 1 => Out_1 <= 0;\r\n WHEN 2 => Out_1 <= 1;\r\n END CASE C1;\r\n C2 : CASE y IS\r\n WHEN "00" => Out_2 <= 0;\r\n WHEN "01" => Out_2 <= 1;\r\n END CASE C2;\r\nEND PROCESS;';
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
assert("WHEN CASE", expected, actual);
input = "case READ_CPU_STATE is\r\n when WAITING =>\r\n if CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' then\r\n CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';\r\n READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;\r\n end if;\r\n when DATA1 =>\r\n -- etc.\r\nend case;";
expected = "CASE READ_CPU_STATE IS\r\n WHEN WAITING => \r\n IF CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' THEN\r\n CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';\r\n READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;\r\n END IF;\r\n WHEN DATA1 => \r\n -- etc.\r\nEND CASE;";
expected = "CASE READ_CPU_STATE IS\r\n WHEN WAITING =>\r\n IF CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' THEN\r\n CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';\r\n READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;\r\n END IF;\r\n WHEN DATA1 =>\r\n -- etc.\r\nEND CASE;";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
assert("WHEN CASE & IF", expected, actual);
input = "entity aa is\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\nend aa;\r\narchitecture bb of aa is\r\n component cc\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n end cc;\r\n\r\nbegin\r\n C : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nend;";
expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc\r\n PORT MAP(\r\n long => a, \r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;";
expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc PORT MAP(\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
assert("PORT MAP", expected, actual);
input = "entity aa is\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\nend aa;\r\narchitecture bb of aa is\r\n component cc\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n end cc;\r\n\r\nbegin\r\n C : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\n D : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nend;";
expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc\r\n PORT MAP(\r\n long => a, \r\n b => b\r\n );\r\n D : cc\r\n PORT MAP(\r\n long => a, \r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;";
expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc PORT MAP(\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\n D : cc PORT MAP(\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
assert("Multiple PORT MAPs", expected, actual);
input = "port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n);";
expected = "PORT \r\n(\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n);";
expected = "PORT\r\n(\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n);";
new_line_after_symbols_2 = new VHDLFormatter_3.NewLineSettings();
new_line_after_symbols_2.newLineAfter = ["then", ";", "generic", "port"];
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
newSettings.NewLineSettings = new_line_after_symbols_2;
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("New line after PORT", expected, actual);
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
newSettings.NewLineSettings.newLineAfter = [];
input = "component a is\r\nport( Data : inout Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0););\r\nend component a;";
expected = "COMPONENT a IS\r\n PORT (Data : INOUT Std_Logic_Vector(7 DOWNTO 0););\r\nEND COMPONENT a;";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("New line aster PORT (single line)", expected, actual);
assert("New line after PORT (single line)", expected, actual);
input = "process xyx (vf,fr,\r\nde -- comment\r\n)";
expected = "PROCESS xyx (vf, fr, \r\n de -- comment\r\n )";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("Align parameters in PROCESS", expected, actual);
input = "architecture a of b is\r\nbegin\r\n process (w)\r\n variable t : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) ;\r\nbegin\r\n a := (others => '0') ;\r\nend process ;\r\nend a;";
expected = "ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n a := (OTHERS => '0');\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND a;";
expected = "ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n a := (OTHERS => '0');\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND a;";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("Double BEGIN", expected, actual);
let newSettings2 = deepCopy(newSettings);
newSettings2.SignAlignAll = true;
input = "entity a is\r\n port ( w : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) ;\r\n w_s : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ; ) ;\r\nend a ;\r\narchitecture b of a is\r\nbegin\r\n process ( w )\r\n variable t : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) ;\r\n variable bcd : std_logic_vector (11 downto 0) ;\r\nbegin\r\n b(2 downto 0) := w(7 downto 5) ;\r\n t := w(4 downto 0) ;\r\n w_s <= b(11 downto 8) ;\r\n w <= b(3 downto 0) ;\r\nend process ;\r\nend b ;";
expected = "ENTITY a IS\r\n PORT \r\n (\r\n w : IN std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);\r\n w_s : OUT std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0); \r\n );\r\nEND a;\r\nARCHITECTURE b OF a IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n VARIABLE bcd : std_logic_vector (11 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n b(2 DOWNTO 0) := w(7 DOWNTO 5);\r\n t := w(4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n w_s <= b(11 DOWNTO 8);\r\n w <= b(3 DOWNTO 0);\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND b;";
expected = "ENTITY a IS\r\n PORT\r\n (\r\n w : IN std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);\r\n w_s : OUT std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0); \r\n );\r\nEND a;\r\nARCHITECTURE b OF a IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n VARIABLE bcd : std_logic_vector (11 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n b(2 DOWNTO 0) := w(7 DOWNTO 5);\r\n t := w(4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n w_s <= b(11 DOWNTO 8);\r\n w <= b(3 DOWNTO 0);\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND b;";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, newSettings2);
assert("Align signs in all places", expected, actual);
input = "begin\r\n P0 : process(input)\r\n variable value: Integer;\r\n begin\r\n result(i) := '0';\r\n end process P0;\r\nend behavior;";
expected = "BEGIN\r\n P0 : PROCESS (input)\r\n VARIABLE value : INTEGER;\r\n BEGIN\r\n result(i) := '0';\r\n END PROCESS P0;\r\nEND behavior;";
actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("Indent after Begin", expected, actual);
function IntegrationTest5() {
let new_line_after_symbols = new VHDLFormatter_3.NewLineSettings();
new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"];
new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["generic"];
let settings = new VHDLFormatter_4.BeautifierSettings(false, false, false, false, false, "uppercase", " ", new_line_after_symbols);
settings.SignAlignRegional = true;
let input = "port map(\r\ninput_1 => input_1_sig,\r\ninput_2 => input_2_sig,\r\noutput => output_sig\r\n);";
let expected = "PORT MAP(\r\n input_1 => input_1_sig,\r\n input_2 => input_2_sig,\r\n output => output_sig\r\n);";
let actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
assert("Sign align in PORT", expected, actual);
function IntegrationTest6() {
let new_line_after_symbols = new VHDLFormatter_3.NewLineSettings();
new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";", "port map"];
new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["generic"];
let settings = new VHDLFormatter_4.BeautifierSettings(false, false, false, false, false, "uppercase", " ", new_line_after_symbols);
settings.SignAlignRegional = true;
let input = "port map(\r\ninput_1 => input_1_sig,\r\ninput_2 => input_2_sig,\r\noutput => output_sig\r\n);";
let expected = "PORT MAP\r\n(\r\n input_1 => input_1_sig,\r\n input_2 => input_2_sig,\r\n output => output_sig\r\n);";
let actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
assert("Sign align in PORT & new line after MAP", expected, actual);
function IntegrationTest2() {
let new_line_after_symbols = new VHDLFormatter_3.NewLineSettings();
@ -664,7 +682,7 @@ function IntegrationTest2() {
let settings = new VHDLFormatter_4.BeautifierSettings(false, false, false, false, false, "uppercase", " ", new_line_after_symbols);
settings.RemoveComments = true;
let input = "architecture TB of TB_CPU is\r\n component CPU_IF\r\n port -- port list\r\n end component;\r\n signal CPU_DATA_VALID: std_ulogic;\r\n signal CLK, RESET: std_ulogic := '0';\r\n constant PERIOD : time := 10 ns;\r\n constant MAX_SIM: time := 50 * PERIOD;\r\n begin\r\n -- concurrent statements\r\n end TB;";
let expected = "ARCHITECTURE TB OF TB_CPU IS\r\n COMPONENT CPU_IF\r\n PORT \r\n END COMPONENT;\r\n SIGNAL CPU_DATA_VALID : std_ulogic;\r\n SIGNAL CLK, RESET : std_ulogic := '0';\r\n CONSTANT PERIOD : TIME := 10 ns;\r\n CONSTANT MAX_SIM : TIME := 50 * PERIOD;\r\nBEGIN\r\nEND TB;";
let expected = "ARCHITECTURE TB OF TB_CPU IS\r\n COMPONENT CPU_IF\r\n PORT\r\n END COMPONENT;\r\n SIGNAL CPU_DATA_VALID : std_ulogic;\r\n SIGNAL CLK, RESET : std_ulogic := '0';\r\n CONSTANT PERIOD : TIME := 10 ns;\r\n CONSTANT MAX_SIM : TIME := 50 * PERIOD;\r\nBEGIN\r\nEND TB;";
let actual = VHDLFormatter_1.beautify(input, settings);
assert("Remove comments", expected, actual);

+ 41
- 22
VHDLFormatterUnitTests.ts View File

@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ function Beautify3Case11() {
new FormattedLine("END PROCEDURE;", 1),
new FormattedLine("END PACKAGE BODY;", 0)
UnitTest6(beautify3, "package", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0);
UnitTest6(beautify3, "package procedure", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0);
function Beautify3Case12() {
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ function Beautify3Case12() {
new FormattedLine("POSTPONED assert x = 1;", 1),
new FormattedLine("END ARCHITECTURE;", 0)
UnitTest6(beautify3, "package", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0);
UnitTest6(beautify3, "package postponed procedure", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0);
function Beautify3Case13() {
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ function compareFormattedLine(expected: FormattedLine, actual: FormattedLine, me
function assert(testName, expected: string, actual: string, message?) {
var result = CompareString(actual, expected);
if (result != true) {
console.log(testName + " failed: " + result);
console.log(testName + " failed: \n" + result);
else {
//console.log(testName + " pass");
@ -649,12 +649,8 @@ function UnitTest() {
actual = beautify(input, settings);
assert("ENTITY ARCHITECTURE", expected, actual);
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
newSettings.SignAlign = true;
input = "port map(\r\ninput_1 => input_1_sig,\r\ninput_2 => input_2_sig,\r\noutput => output_sig\r\n);";
expected = "PORT MAP(\r\n input_1 => input_1_sig, \r\n input_2 => input_2_sig, \r\n output => output_sig\r\n);";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("Sign align in PORT", expected, actual);
input = 'if a(3 downto 0) > "0100" then\r\na(3 downto 0) := a(3 downto 0) + "0011" ;\r\nend if ;';
expected = 'IF a(3 DOWNTO 0) > "0100" THEN\r\n a(3 DOWNTO 0) := a(3 DOWNTO 0) + "0011";\r\nEND IF;';
@ -666,9 +662,11 @@ function UnitTest() {
actual = beautify(input, settings);
assert("IF ELSE END IF case 1", expected, actual);
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
input = "IF (s = r) THEN rr := '0'; ELSE rr := '1'; END IF;";
expected = "IF (s = r) THEN\r\n rr := '0';\r\nELSE\r\n rr := '1';\r\nEND IF;";
actual = beautify(input, settings);
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("IF ELSE END IF case 2", expected, actual);
input = 'P1:process\r\nvariable x: Integer range 1 to 3;\r\nvariable y: BIT_VECTOR (0 to 1);\r\nbegin\r\n C1: case x is\r\n when 1 => Out_1 <= 0;\r\n when 2 => Out_1 <= 1;\r\n end case C1;\r\n C2: case y is\r\n when "00" => Out_2 <= 0;\r\n when "01" => Out_2 <= 1;\r\n end case C2;\r\nend process;';
@ -677,22 +675,22 @@ function UnitTest() {
assert("WHEN CASE", expected, actual);
input = "case READ_CPU_STATE is\r\n when WAITING =>\r\n if CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' then\r\n CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';\r\n READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;\r\n end if;\r\n when DATA1 =>\r\n -- etc.\r\nend case;";
expected = "CASE READ_CPU_STATE IS\r\n WHEN WAITING => \r\n IF CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' THEN\r\n CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';\r\n READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;\r\n END IF;\r\n WHEN DATA1 => \r\n -- etc.\r\nEND CASE;";
expected = "CASE READ_CPU_STATE IS\r\n WHEN WAITING =>\r\n IF CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' THEN\r\n CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';\r\n READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;\r\n END IF;\r\n WHEN DATA1 =>\r\n -- etc.\r\nEND CASE;";
actual = beautify(input, settings);
assert("WHEN CASE & IF", expected, actual);
input = "entity aa is\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\nend aa;\r\narchitecture bb of aa is\r\n component cc\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n end cc;\r\n\r\nbegin\r\n C : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nend;";
expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc\r\n PORT MAP(\r\n long => a, \r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;";
expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc PORT MAP(\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;";
actual = beautify(input, settings);
assert("PORT MAP", expected, actual);
input = "entity aa is\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\nend aa;\r\narchitecture bb of aa is\r\n component cc\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n end cc;\r\n\r\nbegin\r\n C : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\n D : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nend;";
expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc\r\n PORT MAP(\r\n long => a, \r\n b => b\r\n );\r\n D : cc\r\n PORT MAP(\r\n long => a, \r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;";
expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc PORT MAP(\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\n D : cc PORT MAP(\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;";
actual = beautify(input, settings);
assert("Multiple PORT MAPs", expected, actual);
input = "port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n);";
expected = "PORT \r\n(\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n);";
expected = "PORT\r\n(\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n);";
new_line_after_symbols_2 = new NewLineSettings();
new_line_after_symbols_2.newLineAfter = ["then", ";", "generic", "port"];
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
@ -700,10 +698,12 @@ function UnitTest() {
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("New line after PORT", expected, actual);
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
newSettings.NewLineSettings.newLineAfter = [];
input = "component a is\r\nport( Data : inout Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0););\r\nend component a;";
expected = "COMPONENT a IS\r\n PORT (Data : INOUT Std_Logic_Vector(7 DOWNTO 0););\r\nEND COMPONENT a;";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("New line aster PORT (single line)", expected, actual);
assert("New line after PORT (single line)", expected, actual);
input = "process xyx (vf,fr,\r\nde -- comment\r\n)";
expected = "PROCESS xyx (vf, fr, \r\n de -- comment\r\n )";
@ -711,21 +711,40 @@ function UnitTest() {
assert("Align parameters in PROCESS", expected, actual);
input = "architecture a of b is\r\nbegin\r\n process (w)\r\n variable t : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) ;\r\nbegin\r\n a := (others => '0') ;\r\nend process ;\r\nend a;";
expected = "ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n a := (OTHERS => '0');\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND a;";
expected = "ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n a := (OTHERS => '0');\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND a;";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("Double BEGIN", expected, actual);
let newSettings2 = deepCopy(newSettings);
newSettings2.SignAlignAll = true;
input = "entity a is\r\n port ( w : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) ;\r\n w_s : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ; ) ;\r\nend a ;\r\narchitecture b of a is\r\nbegin\r\n process ( w )\r\n variable t : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) ;\r\n variable bcd : std_logic_vector (11 downto 0) ;\r\nbegin\r\n b(2 downto 0) := w(7 downto 5) ;\r\n t := w(4 downto 0) ;\r\n w_s <= b(11 downto 8) ;\r\n w <= b(3 downto 0) ;\r\nend process ;\r\nend b ;";
expected = "ENTITY a IS\r\n PORT \r\n (\r\n w : IN std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);\r\n w_s : OUT std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0); \r\n );\r\nEND a;\r\nARCHITECTURE b OF a IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n VARIABLE bcd : std_logic_vector (11 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n b(2 DOWNTO 0) := w(7 DOWNTO 5);\r\n t := w(4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n w_s <= b(11 DOWNTO 8);\r\n w <= b(3 DOWNTO 0);\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND b;";
expected = "ENTITY a IS\r\n PORT\r\n (\r\n w : IN std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);\r\n w_s : OUT std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0); \r\n );\r\nEND a;\r\nARCHITECTURE b OF a IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n VARIABLE bcd : std_logic_vector (11 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n b(2 DOWNTO 0) := w(7 DOWNTO 5);\r\n t := w(4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n w_s <= b(11 DOWNTO 8);\r\n w <= b(3 DOWNTO 0);\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND b;";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings2);
assert("Align signs in all places", expected, actual);
input = "begin\r\n P0 : process(input)\r\n variable value: Integer;\r\n begin\r\n result(i) := '0';\r\n end process P0;\r\nend behavior;";
expected = "BEGIN\r\n P0 : PROCESS (input)\r\n VARIABLE value : INTEGER;\r\n BEGIN\r\n result(i) := '0';\r\n END PROCESS P0;\r\nEND behavior;";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
assert("Indent after Begin", expected, actual);
function IntegrationTest5() {
let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings();
new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"];
new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["generic"];
let settings: BeautifierSettings = new BeautifierSettings(false, false, false, false, false, "uppercase", " ", new_line_after_symbols);
settings.SignAlignRegional = true;
let input = "port map(\r\ninput_1 => input_1_sig,\r\ninput_2 => input_2_sig,\r\noutput => output_sig\r\n);";
let expected = "PORT MAP(\r\n input_1 => input_1_sig,\r\n input_2 => input_2_sig,\r\n output => output_sig\r\n);";
let actual = beautify(input, settings);
assert("Sign align in PORT", expected, actual);
function IntegrationTest6() {
let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings();
new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";","port map"];
new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["generic"];
let settings: BeautifierSettings = new BeautifierSettings(false, false, false, false, false, "uppercase", " ", new_line_after_symbols);
settings.SignAlignRegional = true;
let input = "port map(\r\ninput_1 => input_1_sig,\r\ninput_2 => input_2_sig,\r\noutput => output_sig\r\n);";
let expected = "PORT MAP\r\n(\r\n input_1 => input_1_sig,\r\n input_2 => input_2_sig,\r\n output => output_sig\r\n);";
let actual = beautify(input, settings);
assert("Sign align in PORT & new line after MAP", expected, actual);
function IntegrationTest2() {
@ -735,7 +754,7 @@ function IntegrationTest2() {
let settings: BeautifierSettings = new BeautifierSettings(false, false, false, false, false, "uppercase", " ", new_line_after_symbols);
settings.RemoveComments = true;
let input = "architecture TB of TB_CPU is\r\n component CPU_IF\r\n port -- port list\r\n end component;\r\n signal CPU_DATA_VALID: std_ulogic;\r\n signal CLK, RESET: std_ulogic := '0';\r\n constant PERIOD : time := 10 ns;\r\n constant MAX_SIM: time := 50 * PERIOD;\r\n begin\r\n -- concurrent statements\r\n end TB;"
let expected = "ARCHITECTURE TB OF TB_CPU IS\r\n COMPONENT CPU_IF\r\n PORT \r\n END COMPONENT;\r\n SIGNAL CPU_DATA_VALID : std_ulogic;\r\n SIGNAL CLK, RESET : std_ulogic := '0';\r\n CONSTANT PERIOD : TIME := 10 ns;\r\n CONSTANT MAX_SIM : TIME := 50 * PERIOD;\r\nBEGIN\r\nEND TB;";
let expected = "ARCHITECTURE TB OF TB_CPU IS\r\n COMPONENT CPU_IF\r\n PORT\r\n END COMPONENT;\r\n SIGNAL CPU_DATA_VALID : std_ulogic;\r\n SIGNAL CLK, RESET : std_ulogic := '0';\r\n CONSTANT PERIOD : TIME := 10 ns;\r\n CONSTANT MAX_SIM : TIME := 50 * PERIOD;\r\nBEGIN\r\nEND TB;";
let actual = beautify(input, settings);
assert("Remove comments", expected, actual);
