import { beautify, signAlignSettings } from "../VHDLFormatter"; import { NewLineSettings } from "../VHDLFormatter"; import { BeautifierSettings } from "../VHDLFormatter"; import { RemoveAsserts } from "../VHDLFormatter"; import { ApplyNoNewLineAfter } from "../VHDLFormatter"; import { SetNewLinesAfterSymbols } from "../VHDLFormatter"; import { beautify3 } from "../VHDLFormatter"; import { FormattedLine } from "../VHDLFormatter"; import { FormattedLineToString } from "../VHDLFormatter"; import { CompareString } from "./assert"; import { assert } from "./assert"; let testCount: number = 0; var showUnitTests = true;//window.location.href.indexOf("http") < 0; if (showUnitTests) { //IntegrationTest84(); testCount = 0; IntegrationTest(); UnitTestRemoveAsserts(); UnitTestApplyNoNewLineAfter(); UnitTestSetNewLinesAfterSymbols(); UnitTestFormattedLineToString(); UnitTestbeautify3(); console.log("total tests: " + testCount); } interface Function { readonly name: string; } function UnitTestFormattedLineToString() { console.log("=== FormattedLineToString ==="); FormattedLineToStringCase1(); FormattedLineToStringCase2(); } function FormattedLineToStringCase1() { let inputs: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("a;", 0), new FormattedLine("b;", 0)]; let expected: Array = ["a;", "b;"]; UnitTest7(FormattedLineToString, "General", " ", inputs, expected); } function FormattedLineToStringCase2() { let inputs: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("a;", 1), new FormattedLine("b;", 2)]; let expected: Array = [" a;", " b;"]; UnitTest7(FormattedLineToString, "General", " ", inputs, expected); } function UnitTestbeautify3() { console.log("=== beautify3 ==="); Beautify3Case1(); Beautify3Case2(); Beautify3Case3(); Beautify3Case4(); Beautify3Case5(); Beautify3Case6(); Beautify3Case7(); Beautify3Case8(); Beautify3Case9(); Beautify3Case10(); Beautify3Case11(); Beautify3Case12(); Beautify3Case13(); Beautify3Case14(); Beautify3Case15(); Beautify3Case16(); Beautify3Case17(); Beautify3Case18(); Beautify3Case19(); Beautify3Case20(); Beautify3Case21(); } function Beautify3Case1() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = ["a;", "b;"]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [new FormattedLine("a;", 0), new FormattedLine("b;", 0)]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "General", settings, inputs, expected, 0, 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case2() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = ["IF x = '1' THEN", "RETURN 1;", "END IF;"]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("IF x = '1' THEN", 0), new FormattedLine("RETURN 1;", 1), new FormattedLine("END IF;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "IF END", settings, inputs, expected, 0, 2, 0); } function Beautify3Case3() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "IF x = '1' THEN", "RETURN 1;", "ELSIF x = '0' THEN", "RETURN 0;", "ELSE", "RETURN -1;", "END IF;"]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("IF x = '1' THEN", 0), new FormattedLine("RETURN 1;", 1), new FormattedLine("ELSIF x = '0' THEN", 0), new FormattedLine("RETURN 0;", 1), new FormattedLine("ELSE", 0), new FormattedLine("RETURN -1;", 1), new FormattedLine("END IF;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "if elsif else end", settings, inputs, expected, 0, 6, 0); } function Beautify3Case4() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = ["END"]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [new FormattedLine("END", 0)]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "one line END", settings, inputs, expected, 0, 0, 0); } function Beautify3Case5() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "CASE b", "WHEN 1 =>", "c <= d;", "WHEN 2 =>", "d <= f;", "END CASE;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("CASE b", 0), new FormattedLine("WHEN 1 =>", 1), new FormattedLine("c <= d;", 2), new FormattedLine("WHEN 2 =>", 1), new FormattedLine("d <= f;", 2), new FormattedLine("END CASE;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "case when when end", settings, inputs, expected, 0, 5, 0); } function Beautify3Case6() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "CASE b", "WHEN 1 =>", "c <= d;", "CASE b", "WHEN 1 =>", "c <= d;", "WHEN 2 =>", "d <= f;", "END CASE;", "WHEN 2 =>", "d <= f;", "END CASE;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("CASE b", 0), new FormattedLine("WHEN 1 =>", 1), new FormattedLine("c <= d;", 2), new FormattedLine("CASE b", 2), new FormattedLine("WHEN 1 =>", 3), new FormattedLine("c <= d;", 4), new FormattedLine("WHEN 2 =>", 3), new FormattedLine("d <= f;", 4), new FormattedLine("END CASE;", 2), new FormattedLine("WHEN 2 =>", 1), new FormattedLine("d <= f;", 2), new FormattedLine("END CASE;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "case & case end", settings, inputs, expected, 0, 11, 0); } function Beautify3Case7() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "ARCHITECTURE a OF one IS", "SIGNAL x : INTEGER;", "BEGIN", "-- architecture", "END ARCHITECTURE;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("ARCHITECTURE a OF one IS", 0), new FormattedLine("SIGNAL x : INTEGER;", 1), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 0), new FormattedLine("-- architecture", 1), new FormattedLine("END ARCHITECTURE;", 0), ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "architecture", settings, inputs, expected, 0, 4, 0); } function Beautify3Case8() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "ARCHITECTURE a OF one IS", "SIGNAL x : INTEGER;", "BEGIN", "-- architecture", "END ARCHITECTURE;", "ARCHITECTURE b OF one IS", "SIGNAL x : INTEGER;", "BEGIN", "-- architecture", "END ARCHITECTURE;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("ARCHITECTURE a OF one IS", 0), new FormattedLine("SIGNAL x : INTEGER;", 1), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 0), new FormattedLine("-- architecture", 1), new FormattedLine("END ARCHITECTURE;", 0), new FormattedLine("ARCHITECTURE b OF one IS", 0), new FormattedLine("SIGNAL x : INTEGER;", 1), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 0), new FormattedLine("-- architecture", 1), new FormattedLine("END ARCHITECTURE;", 0), ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "architecture 2", settings, inputs, expected, 0, 9, 0); } function Beautify3Case9() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "PROCEDURE foo(x : IN INTEGER; y : OUT INTEGER) IS", "VARIABLE i : INTEGER;", "BEGIN", "y := x + 1;", "END PROCEDURE;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("PROCEDURE foo(x : IN INTEGER; y : OUT INTEGER) IS", 0), new FormattedLine("VARIABLE i : INTEGER;", 1), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 0), new FormattedLine("y := x + 1;", 1), new FormattedLine("END PROCEDURE;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "procedure", settings, inputs, expected, 0, 4, 0); } function Beautify3Case10() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "PACKAGE three IS", "SIGNAL s : INTEGER;", "ALIAS sa IS s;", "END PACKAGE;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("PACKAGE three IS", 0), new FormattedLine("SIGNAL s : INTEGER;", 1), new FormattedLine("ALIAS sa IS s;", 1), new FormattedLine("END PACKAGE;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "package", settings, inputs, expected, 0, 3, 0); } function Beautify3Case11() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "PACKAGE p IS", "PROCEDURE foo(x : IN INTEGER; y : OUT INTEGER);", "END PACKAGE;", "PACKAGE BODY p IS", "PROCEDURE foo(x : IN INTEGER; y : OUT INTEGER) IS", "VARIABLE i : INTEGER;", "BEGIN", "y := x + 1;", "END PROCEDURE;", "PROCEDURE bar(FILE x : text);", "PROCEDURE baz IS", "TYPE foo;", "ALIAS x IS y;", "BEGIN", "END PROCEDURE;", "PROCEDURE tralala IS", "USE;", "BEGIN", "END PROCEDURE;", "END PACKAGE BODY;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("PACKAGE p IS", 0), new FormattedLine("PROCEDURE foo(x : IN INTEGER; y : OUT INTEGER);", 1), new FormattedLine("END PACKAGE;", 0), new FormattedLine("PACKAGE BODY p IS", 0), new FormattedLine("PROCEDURE foo(x : IN INTEGER; y : OUT INTEGER) IS", 1), new FormattedLine("VARIABLE i : INTEGER;", 2), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 1), new FormattedLine("y := x + 1;", 2), new FormattedLine("END PROCEDURE;", 1), new FormattedLine("PROCEDURE bar(FILE x : text);", 1), new FormattedLine("PROCEDURE baz IS", 1), new FormattedLine("TYPE foo;", 2), new FormattedLine("ALIAS x IS y;", 2), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 1), new FormattedLine("END PROCEDURE;", 1), new FormattedLine("PROCEDURE tralala IS", 1), new FormattedLine("USE;", 2), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 1), new FormattedLine("END PROCEDURE;", 1), new FormattedLine("END PACKAGE BODY;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "package procedure", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case12() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS", "SIGNAL x : INTEGER := 0;", "BEGIN", "p: PROCESS IS", "BEGIN", "END PROCESS;", "PROCESS", "VARIABLE y : INTEGER := 5;", "BEGIN", "x <= y;", "END PROCESS;", "PROCESS (x) IS", "BEGIN", "x <= x + 1;", "END PROCESS;", "POSTPONED PROCESS IS", "BEGIN", "END PROCESS;", "POSTPONED assert x = 1;", "END ARCHITECTURE;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS", 0), new FormattedLine("SIGNAL x : INTEGER := 0;", 1), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 0), new FormattedLine("p: PROCESS IS", 1), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 1), new FormattedLine("END PROCESS;", 1), new FormattedLine("PROCESS", 1), new FormattedLine("VARIABLE y : INTEGER := 5;", 2), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 1), new FormattedLine("x <= y;", 2), new FormattedLine("END PROCESS;", 1), new FormattedLine("PROCESS (x) IS", 1), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 1), new FormattedLine("x <= x + 1;", 2), new FormattedLine("END PROCESS;", 1), new FormattedLine("POSTPONED PROCESS IS", 1), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 1), new FormattedLine("END PROCESS;", 1), new FormattedLine("POSTPONED assert x = 1;", 1), new FormattedLine("END ARCHITECTURE;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "package postponed procedure", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case13() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "TYPE SharedCounter IS PROTECTED", "PROCEDURE increment (N : INTEGER := 1);", "IMPURE FUNCTION value RETURN INTEGER;", "END PROTECTED SharedCounter;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("TYPE SharedCounter IS PROTECTED", 0), new FormattedLine("PROCEDURE increment (N : INTEGER := 1);", 1), new FormattedLine("IMPURE FUNCTION value RETURN INTEGER;", 1), new FormattedLine("END PROTECTED SharedCounter;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "type projected", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case14() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "PACKAGE p IS", "TYPE SharedCounter IS PROTECTED", "PROCEDURE increment (N : INTEGER := 1);", "IMPURE FUNCTION value RETURN INTEGER;", "END PROTECTED SharedCounter;", "TYPE SharedCounter IS PROTECTED BODY" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("PACKAGE p IS", 0), new FormattedLine("TYPE SharedCounter IS PROTECTED", 1), new FormattedLine("PROCEDURE increment (N : INTEGER := 1);", 2), new FormattedLine("IMPURE FUNCTION value RETURN INTEGER;", 2), new FormattedLine("END PROTECTED SharedCounter;", 1), new FormattedLine("TYPE SharedCounter IS PROTECTED BODY", 1) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "type projected", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case15() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "constant a : integer := 2#1101#", "constant b : integer := 3#20#;", "constant g : integer := 2:1_0:;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("constant a : integer := 2#1101#", 0), new FormattedLine("constant b : integer := 3#20#;", 0), new FormattedLine("constant g : integer := 2:1_0:;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "constant", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case16() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "x <= 1 WHEN foo", "ELSE 2 WHEN bar", "ELSE 3;", "y <= 2;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("x <= 1 WHEN foo", 0), new FormattedLine("ELSE 2 WHEN bar", 1), new FormattedLine("ELSE 3;", 1), new FormattedLine("y <= 2;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "one line ends with ;", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case17() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "WITH y SELECT x <=", "1 WHEN a,", "2 WHEN b,", "3 WHEN OTHERS;", "y <= 2;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("WITH y SELECT x <=", 0), new FormattedLine("1 WHEN a,", 1), new FormattedLine("2 WHEN b,", 1), new FormattedLine("3 WHEN OTHERS;", 1), new FormattedLine("y <= 2;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "WITH SELECT line ends with ;", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case18() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "CONFIGURATION conf OF ent IS", "USE;", "ATTRIBUTE x OF y : SIGNAL IS 5;", "FOR arch", "FOR ALL : comp", "USE ENTITY;", "END FOR;", "END FOR;", "END CONFIGURATION;", ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("CONFIGURATION conf OF ent IS", 0), new FormattedLine("USE;", 1), new FormattedLine("ATTRIBUTE x OF y : SIGNAL IS 5;", 1), new FormattedLine("FOR arch", 1), new FormattedLine("FOR ALL : comp", 2), new FormattedLine("USE ENTITY;", 3), new FormattedLine("END FOR;", 2), new FormattedLine("END FOR;", 1), new FormattedLine("END CONFIGURATION;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "configuration & for", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case19() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "FUNCTION \" + \"(x, y : integer) return integer IS", "BEGIN", "RETURN 42;", "END FUNCTION \"+\";", ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("FUNCTION \" + \"(x, y : integer) return integer IS", 0), new FormattedLine("BEGIN", 0), new FormattedLine("RETURN 42;", 1), new FormattedLine("END FUNCTION \"+\";", 0), ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "function", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case20() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "m <= ((1, 2, 3, 4)", "(5, 6, 7, 8));", "y <= 2;" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("m <= ((1, 2, 3, 4)", 0), new FormattedLine("(5, 6, 7, 8));", 1), new FormattedLine("y <= 2;", 0) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "function", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function Beautify3Case21() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let inputs: Array = [ "g: ENTITY", "GENERIC MAP( X => 1 )", "PORT MAP( a, b );", "h: ENTITY", "PORT MAP( a => open );" ]; let expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [ new FormattedLine("g: ENTITY", 0), new FormattedLine("GENERIC MAP( X => 1 )", 1), new FormattedLine("PORT MAP( a, b );", 1), new FormattedLine("h: ENTITY", 0), new FormattedLine("PORT MAP( a => open );", 1) ]; UnitTest6(beautify3, "function", settings, inputs, expected, 0, expected.length - 1, 0); } function UnitTestSetNewLinesAfterSymbols() { console.log("=== SetNewLinesAfterSymbols ==="); let input = "a; @@comments1\r\nb;" let expected = "a; @@comments1\r\nb;"; let parameters: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); parameters.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; parameters.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; UnitTest5(SetNewLinesAfterSymbols, "no new line after comment", parameters, input, expected); input = "a; b;" expected = "a;\r\nb;"; UnitTest5(SetNewLinesAfterSymbols, "new line after ;", parameters, input, expected); } function UnitTestApplyNoNewLineAfter() { console.log("=== ApplyNoNewLineAfter ==="); let input: Array = ["a;", "b;"]; let expected: Array = ["a;@@singleline", "b;@@singleline"]; let parameters: Array = [";"]; UnitTest4(ApplyNoNewLineAfter, "one blankspace", parameters, input, expected); input = ["a;", "b THEN", "c"]; expected = ["a;@@singleline", "b THEN@@singleline", "c"]; parameters = [";", "then"]; UnitTest4(ApplyNoNewLineAfter, "one blankspace", parameters, input, expected); } function UnitTestRemoveAsserts() { console.log("=== RemoveAsserts ==="); let input: Array = ["ASSERT a;"]; let expected: Array = [""]; UnitTest3(RemoveAsserts, "one assert", input, expected); input = ["ASSERT a", "b;", "c"]; expected = ["", "", "c"]; UnitTest3(RemoveAsserts, "multiline assert", input, expected); } function compareFormattedLines(expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], actual: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], message?): string { var l = Math.min(actual.length, expected.length); let result: string = ""; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (actual[i] instanceof FormattedLine) { if (expected[i] instanceof FormattedLine) { let compareResult = compareFormattedLine((expected[i]), (actual[i]), message, false); if (compareResult.length > 0) { result += "index " + i + "\n" + compareResult; } } else { result += "index " + i + "\nexpected FormatLine[], actual FormattedLine. actual:" + ((actual[i])).Line; } } else { if (expected[i] instanceof FormattedLine) { result += "index " + i + "\nexpected FormatLine, actual FormattedLine[]. expected:" + ((expected[i])).Line; } else { let compareResult = compareFormattedLines((actual[i]), (expected[i]), message); if (compareResult.length > 0) { result += "index " + i + "\n" + compareResult; } } } } if (actual.length > expected.length) { result += "actual has more items"; for (var i = expected.length; i < actual.length; i++) { result += "actual[" + i + "] = " + actual[i]; } } else if (actual.length < expected.length) { result += "expected has more items"; for (var i = actual.length; i < expected.length; i++) { result += "expected[" + i + "] = " + expected[i]; } } return result; } function assertFormattedLines(testName, expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], actual: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], message?) { let result = compareFormattedLines(expected, actual, message); if (result.length > 0) { console.log(testName + " failed:\n" + result); } testCount++; } function compareFormattedLine(expected: FormattedLine, actual: FormattedLine, message?, cumulateTestCount?: boolean) { let result = ""; if (expected.Indent != actual.Indent) { result += 'indents are not equal;\nexpected: "' + expected.Line + '", ' + expected.Indent + ';\nactual: "' + actual.Line + '", ' + actual.Indent + "\n"; } let compareResult = CompareString(actual.Line, expected.Line); if (compareResult != true) { result += compareResult; } return result; } function assertArray(testName, expected, actual, message?) { var result = CompareArray(actual, expected); if (result != true) { console.log(testName + " failed: " + result); } else { //console.log(testName + " pass"); } testCount++; } type StringCallback = (text: string) => string; type ArrayCallback = (arr: Array) => void; type Array2Callback = (arr: Array, parameters: Array) => void; type String2Callback = (text: string, parameters: NewLineSettings) => string; type BeautifyCallback = (inputs: Array, result: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], settings: BeautifierSettings, startIndex: number, indent: number) => number; type FormattedLinesCallback = (inputs: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], indentation: string) => Array; function UnitTest7(func: FormattedLinesCallback, testName: string, indentation: string, inputs: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], expected: Array) { let actual = func(inputs, indentation); assertArray(testName, expected, actual); } function UnitTest6(func: BeautifyCallback, testName: string, parameters: BeautifierSettings, inputs: Array, expected: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[], startIndex: number, expectedEndIndex: number, indent: number) { let actual: (FormattedLine | FormattedLine[])[] = [] let endIndex: number = func(inputs, actual, parameters, startIndex, indent); if (endIndex != expectedEndIndex) { console.log(testName + " failed;\nend index, actual: " + endIndex + "; expected: " + expectedEndIndex) } assertFormattedLines(testName, expected, actual); } function UnitTest5(func: String2Callback, testName: string, parameters: NewLineSettings, inputs, expected: string) { let actual: string = func(inputs, parameters); assertAndCountTest(testName, expected, actual); } function UnitTest4(func: Array2Callback, testName: string, parameters: Array, inputs: Array, expected: Array) { let actual = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(inputs)); func(actual, parameters); assertArray(testName, expected, actual); } function UnitTest3(func: ArrayCallback, testName: string, inputs: Array, expected: Array) { let actual = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(inputs)); func(actual); assertArray(testName, expected, actual); } function deepCopy(objectToCopy: BeautifierSettings): BeautifierSettings { return (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objectToCopy))); } function IntegrationTest() { console.log("=== IntegrationTests ==="); let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); let input = "architecture TB of TB_CPU is\r\n component CPU_IF\r\n port -- port list\r\n end component;\r\n signal CPU_DATA_VALID: std_ulogic;\r\n signal CLK, RESET: std_ulogic := '0';\r\n constant PERIOD : time := 10 ns;\r\n constant MAX_SIM: time := 50 * PERIOD;\r\n begin\r\n -- concurrent statements\r\n end TB;" let expected = "ARCHITECTURE TB OF TB_CPU IS\r\n COMPONENT CPU_IF\r\n PORT -- port list\r\n END COMPONENT;\r\n SIGNAL CPU_DATA_VALID : std_ulogic;\r\n SIGNAL CLK, RESET : std_ulogic := '0';\r\n CONSTANT PERIOD : TIME := 10 ns;\r\n CONSTANT MAX_SIM : TIME := 50 * PERIOD;\r\nBEGIN\r\n -- concurrent statements\r\nEND TB;"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("General", expected, actual); IntegrationTest2(); let new_line_after_symbols_2: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols_2.newLineAfter = []; new_line_after_symbols_2.noNewLineAfter = ["then", ";", "generic", "port"]; let newSettings = deepCopy(settings); newSettings.NewLineSettings = new_line_after_symbols_2; expected = "a; b; c;"; input = "a; \r\nb;\r\n c;" actual = beautify(input, newSettings); assertAndCountTest("Remove line after ;", expected, actual); newSettings = deepCopy(settings); newSettings.RemoveAsserts = true; input = "architecture arch of ent is\r\nbegin\r\n assert False report sdfjcsdfcsdj;\r\n assert False report sdfjcsdfcsdj severity note;\r\nend architecture;"; expected = "ARCHITECTURE arch OF ent IS\r\nBEGIN\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;" actual = beautify(input, newSettings); assertAndCountTest("Remove asserts", expected, actual); input = "entity TB_DISPLAY is\r\n-- port declarations\r\nend TB_DISPLAY;\r\n\r\narchitecture TEST of TB_DISPLAY is\r\n-- signal declarations\r\nbegin\r\n-- component instance(s)\r\nend TEST;"; expected = "ENTITY TB_DISPLAY IS\r\n -- port declarations\r\nEND TB_DISPLAY;\r\n\r\nARCHITECTURE TEST OF TB_DISPLAY IS\r\n -- signal declarations\r\nBEGIN\r\n -- component instance(s)\r\nEND TEST;"; actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("ENTITY ARCHITECTURE", expected, actual); IntegrationTest5(); IntegrationTest6(); input = 'if a(3 downto 0) > "0100" then\r\na(3 downto 0) := a(3 downto 0) + "0011" ;\r\nend if ;'; expected = 'IF a(3 DOWNTO 0) > "0100" THEN\r\n a(3 DOWNTO 0) := a(3 DOWNTO 0) + "0011";\r\nEND IF;'; actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("IF END IF case 1", expected, actual); input = "if s = '1' then\r\no <= \"010\";\r\nelse\r\no <= \"101\";\r\nend if;"; expected = "IF s = '1' THEN\r\n o <= \"010\";\r\nELSE\r\n o <= \"101\";\r\nEND IF;"; actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("IF ELSE END IF case 1", expected, actual); newSettings = deepCopy(settings); newSettings.NewLineSettings.newLineAfter.push("ELSE"); input = "IF (s = r) THEN rr := '0'; ELSE rr := '1'; END IF;"; expected = "IF (s = r) THEN\r\n rr := '0';\r\nELSE\r\n rr := '1';\r\nEND IF;"; actual = beautify(input, newSettings); assertAndCountTest("IF ELSE END IF case 2", expected, actual); input = 'P1:process\r\nvariable x: Integer range 1 to 3;\r\nvariable y: BIT_VECTOR (0 to 1);\r\nbegin\r\n C1: case x is\r\n when 1 => Out_1 <= 0;\r\n when 2 => Out_1 <= 1;\r\n end case C1;\r\n C2: case y is\r\n when "00" => Out_2 <= 0;\r\n when "01" => Out_2 <= 1;\r\n end case C2;\r\nend process;'; expected = 'P1 : PROCESS\r\n VARIABLE x : INTEGER RANGE 1 TO 3;\r\n VARIABLE y : BIT_VECTOR (0 TO 1);\r\nBEGIN\r\n C1 : CASE x IS\r\n WHEN 1 => Out_1 <= 0;\r\n WHEN 2 => Out_1 <= 1;\r\n END CASE C1;\r\n C2 : CASE y IS\r\n WHEN "00" => Out_2 <= 0;\r\n WHEN "01" => Out_2 <= 1;\r\n END CASE C2;\r\nEND PROCESS;'; actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("WHEN CASE", expected, actual); input = "case READ_CPU_STATE is\r\n when WAITING =>\r\n if CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' then\r\n CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';\r\n READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;\r\n end if;\r\n when DATA1 =>\r\n -- etc.\r\nend case;"; expected = "CASE READ_CPU_STATE IS\r\n WHEN WAITING =>\r\n IF CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' THEN\r\n CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';\r\n READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;\r\n END IF;\r\n WHEN DATA1 =>\r\n -- etc.\r\nEND CASE;"; actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("WHEN CASE & IF", expected, actual); input = "entity aa is\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\nend aa;\r\narchitecture bb of aa is\r\n component cc\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n end cc;\r\n\r\nbegin\r\n C : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nend;"; expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc PORT MAP(\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;"; actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("PORT MAP", expected, actual); input = "entity aa is\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\nend aa;\r\narchitecture bb of aa is\r\n component cc\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n end cc;\r\n\r\nbegin\r\n C : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\n D : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nend;"; expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc PORT MAP(\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\n D : cc PORT MAP(\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;"; actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("Multiple PORT MAPs", expected, actual); input = "port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n);"; expected = "PORT\r\n(\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n);"; new_line_after_symbols_2 = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols_2.newLineAfter = ["then", ";", "generic", "port"]; newSettings = deepCopy(settings); newSettings.NewLineSettings = new_line_after_symbols_2; actual = beautify(input, newSettings); assertAndCountTest("New line after PORT", expected, actual); newSettings = deepCopy(settings); newSettings.NewLineSettings.newLineAfter = []; input = "component a is\r\nport( Data : inout Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0););\r\nend component a;"; expected = "COMPONENT a IS\r\n PORT (Data : INOUT Std_Logic_Vector(7 DOWNTO 0););\r\nEND COMPONENT a;"; actual = beautify(input, newSettings); assertAndCountTest("New line after PORT (single line)", expected, actual); //IntegrationTest20(); input = "architecture a of b is\r\nbegin\r\n process (w)\r\n variable t : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) ;\r\nbegin\r\n a := (others => '0') ;\r\nend process ;\r\nend a;"; expected = "ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n a := (OTHERS => '0');\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND a;"; actual = beautify(input, newSettings); assertAndCountTest("Double BEGIN", expected, actual); IntegrationTest23(); IntegrationTest24(); IntegrationTest25(); IntegrationTest26(); IntegrationTest27(); IntegrationTest28(); IntegrationTest29(); IntegrationTest30(); IntegrationTest31(); IntegrationTest32(); IntegrationTest33(); IntegrationTest34(); IntegrationTest35(); IntegrationTest36(); IntegrationTest37(); IntegrationTest38(); IntegrationTest39(); IntegrationTest40(); IntegrationTest41(); IntegrationTest42(); IntegrationTest43(); IntegrationTest44(); IntegrationTest45(); IntegrationTest46(); IntegrationTest47(); IntegrationTest48(); IntegrationTest49(); IntegrationTest50(); IntegrationTest51(); IntegrationTest52(); IntegrationTest53(); IntegrationTest54(); IntegrationTest55(); IntegrationTest56(); IntegrationTest57(); IntegrationTest58(); IntegrationTest59(); IntegrationTest60(); IntegrationTest61(); IntegrationTest62(); IntegrationTest63(); IntegrationTest64(); IntegrationTest65(); IntegrationTest66(); IntegrationTest67(); IntegrationTest68(); IntegrationTest69(); IntegrationTest70(); IntegrationTest71(); IntegrationTest72(); IntegrationTest73(); IntegrationTest74(); IntegrationTest75(); IntegrationTest76(); IntegrationTest77(); IntegrationTest78(); IntegrationTest79(); IntegrationTest80(); IntegrationTest82(); IntegrationTest84(); IntegrationTest85(); } function IntegrationTest23() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings("\t"); let input = "PACKAGE p IS\r\n TYPE int_array IS ARRAY (INTEGER RANGE <>) OF INTEGER;\r\n TYPE ten_ints IS ARRAY (1 TO 10) OF INTEGER;\r\n TYPE chars IS (A, B, C);\r\n TYPE char_counts IS ARRAY (chars) OF INTEGER;\r\n TYPE two_d IS ARRAY (1 TO 3, 4 TO 6) OF INTEGER;\r\n TYPE ab_chars IS ARRAY (chars RANGE A TO B) OF INTEGER;\r\nEND PACKAGE;"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("Type array", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest24() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = "ARCHITECTURE a OF e IS\r\n ATTRIBUTE foo : INTEGER;\r\n ATTRIBUTE foo OF x : SIGNAL IS 5;\r\n ATTRIBUTE foo OF x : COMPONENT IS 5;\r\n ATTRIBUTE foo OF x : LABEL IS 6;\r\n ATTRIBUTE foo OF x : TYPE IS 4;\r\nBEGIN\r\n ASSERT x'foo(5);\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("attribute", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest25() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'PACKAGE bitstring IS\r\n CONSTANT x : t := X"1234";\r\n CONSTANT y : t := O"1234";\r\n CONSTANT z : t := X"ab";\r\n CONSTANT b : t := B"101";\r\n CONSTANT c : t := x"f";\r\n CONSTANT d : t := X"a_b";\r\nEND PACKAGE;\r\nPACKAGE bitstring_error IS\r\n CONSTANT e1 : t := O"9"; -- Error\r\nEND PACKAGE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("bitstring", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest26() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'ARCHITECTURE a OF e IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n b : BLOCK IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n END BLOCK;\r\n c : BLOCK IS\r\n SIGNAL x : INTEGER;\r\n SIGNAL y : real;\r\n BEGIN\r\n x <= y;\r\n END BLOCK;\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("block", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest27() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'CONTEXT widget_context IS\r\n LIBRARY ieee;\r\n USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL, ieee.numeric_std.ALL;\r\n USE widget_lib.widget_defs.ALL;\r\n USE widget_lib.widget_comps.ALL;\r\nEND CONTEXT;\r\n\r\nCONTEXT dongle_context IS\r\n LIBRARY widget_lib;\r\n CONTEXT widget_lib.widget_context;\r\nEND CONTEXT;\r\n\r\nLIBRARY foo;\r\nUSE foo.moo;\r\n\r\nCONTEXT bad IS -- Error\r\nEND CONTEXT;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("context", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest28() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ARCHITECTURE foo OF bar IS\r\n SIGNAL \\foo bar\\ : INTEGER;\r\n SIGNAL \\a\\\\b\\ : INTEGER;\r\n SIGNAL \\Thing!!! \\ : INTEGER;\r\n SIGNAL \\name\\ : INTEGER;\r\n SIGNAL name : INTEGER;\r\nBEGIN\r\n \\\\ <= \\hello\\;\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("extended \\ 28", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest29() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'PACKAGE func IS\r\n FUNCTION add(x, y : INTEGER; y : IN INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER;\r\n IMPURE FUNCTION naughty RETURN INTEGER;\r\n FUNCTION "+"(x, y : INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER;\r\nEND PACKAGE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("extended \\ 29", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest30() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ARCHITECTURE a OF g IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n\r\n g1 : IF foo GENERATE\r\n SIGNAL x : INTEGER;\r\n BEGIN\r\n x <= 5;\r\n END GENERATE;\r\n\r\n g2 : IF bar GENERATE\r\n g2a : IF x < 5 GENERATE\r\n g <= 7;\r\n END GENERATE;\r\n END GENERATE;\r\n\r\n g3 : FOR i IN 1 TO 40 GENERATE\r\n SIGNAL x : INTEGER;\r\n BEGIN\r\n f <= h;\r\n END GENERATE;\r\n\r\n g4 : FOR i IN x\'RANGE GENERATE\r\n END GENERATE;\r\n\r\n g5 : FOR i IN x\'RANGE GENERATE\r\n BEGIN\r\n END GENERATE;\r\n\r\n g6 : FOR i IN 1 TO 3 GENERATE\r\n COMPONENT sub_ent IS\r\n PORT (val : OUT NATURAL);\r\n END COMPONENT sub_ent; -- OK\r\n BEGIN\r\n END GENERATE;\r\n\r\n g7 : IF true GENERATE\r\n PROCEDURE doit IS -- OK\r\n BEGIN\r\n write(OUTPUT, "OK." & LF);\r\n END PROCEDURE doit;\r\n BEGIN\r\n END GENERATE g7;\r\n\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("generate", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest31() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ENTITY ent IS\r\nEND ENTITY;\r\n\r\nARCHITECTURE a OF ent IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n main : PROCESS\r\n BEGIN\r\n REPORT """""";\r\n WAIT;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("report \"\"", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest32() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'PACKAGE p IS\r\n\r\n TYPE SharedCounter IS PROTECTED\r\n PROCEDURE increment (N : INTEGER := 1);\r\n PROCEDURE decrement (N : INTEGER := 1);\r\n IMPURE FUNCTION value RETURN INTEGER;\r\n END PROTECTED SharedCounter;\r\n\r\n TYPE SharedCounter IS PROTECTED BODY\r\n VARIABLE counter : INTEGER := 0;\r\n\r\n PROCEDURE increment (N : INTEGER := 1) IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n counter := counter + N;\r\n END PROCEDURE increment;\r\n\r\n PROCEDURE decrement (N : INTEGER := 1) IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n counter := counter - N;\r\n END PROCEDURE decrement;\r\n\r\n IMPURE FUNCTION value RETURN INTEGER IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n RETURN counter;\r\n END FUNCTION value;\r\n END PROTECTED BODY;\r\n\r\nEND PACKAGE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("protected", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest33() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n\r\n -- Wait statements\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n WAIT FOR 1 ns;\r\n block_forever : WAIT;\r\n WAIT ON x;\r\n WAIT ON x, y, z(1 DOWNTO 0);\r\n WAIT ON w(1) FOR 2 ns;\r\n WAIT UNTIL x = 3;\r\n WAIT UNTIL y = x FOR 5 ns;\r\n WAIT ON x UNTIL x = 2 FOR 1 ns;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Blocking assignment\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n VARIABLE a : INTEGER;\r\n BEGIN\r\n a := 2;\r\n a := a + (a * 3);\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Assert and report\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n ASSERT true;\r\n ASSERT false SEVERITY note;\r\n ASSERT 1 > 2 REPORT "oh no" SEVERITY failure;\r\n REPORT "hello";\r\n REPORT "boo" SEVERITY error;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Function calls\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n x := foo(1, 2, 3);\r\n a := "ABS"(b);\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- If\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n IF true THEN\r\n x := 1;\r\n END IF;\r\n test : IF true THEN\r\n x := y;\r\n END IF test;\r\n IF x > 2 THEN\r\n x := 5;\r\n ELSE\r\n y := 2;\r\n END IF;\r\n IF x > 3 THEN\r\n NULL;\r\n ELSIF x > 5 THEN\r\n NULL;\r\n ELSIF true THEN\r\n NULL;\r\n ELSE\r\n x := 2;\r\n END IF;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Null\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n NULL;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Return\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n RETURN 4 * 4;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- While\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n WHILE n > 0 LOOP\r\n n := n - 1;\r\n END LOOP;\r\n LOOP\r\n NULL;\r\n END LOOP;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Delayed assignment\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n x <= 4 AFTER 5 ns;\r\n x <= 5 AFTER 1 ns, 7 AFTER 8 ns;\r\n x <= 5, 7 AFTER 8 ns;\r\n x <= INERTIAL 5;\r\n x <= TRANSPORT 4 AFTER 2 ns;\r\n x <= REJECT 4 ns INERTIAL 6 AFTER 10 ns;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- For\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n FOR i IN 0 TO 10 LOOP\r\n NULL;\r\n END LOOP;\r\n FOR i IN foo\'RANGE LOOP\r\n NULL;\r\n END LOOP;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Exit\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n EXIT;\r\n EXIT WHEN x = 1;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Procedure call\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n foo(x, y, 1);\r\n bar;\r\n foo(a => 1, b => 2, 3);\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Case\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n CASE x IS\r\n WHEN 1 =>\r\n NULL;\r\n WHEN 2 =>\r\n NULL;\r\n WHEN 3 | 4 =>\r\n NULL;\r\n WHEN OTHERS =>\r\n NULL;\r\n END CASE;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Next\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n NEXT;\r\n NEXT WHEN foo = 5;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Signal assignment to aggregate\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n (x, y, z) <= foo;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\n -- Case statement range bug\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n CASE f IS\r\n WHEN 1 =>\r\n FOR i IN x\'RANGE LOOP\r\n END LOOP;\r\n END CASE;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\n\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("sequence", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest34() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS\r\n FOR x : y USE ENTITY;\r\n FOR x1, x2 : y USE ENTITY;\r\n FOR x : y USE ENTITY;\r\n FOR x : y USE ENTITY\r\n GENERIC MAP(a => 1)\r\n PORT MAP(b => g);\r\n FOR ALL : y USE CONFIGURATION yah;\r\n FOR OTHERS : y USE OPEN;\r\nBEGIN\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("spec", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest35() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS\r\n TYPE my_int IS RANGE 0 TO 100;\r\n SIGNAL x : my_int := 2;\r\n\r\n TYPE resistance IS RANGE 0 TO 10000000\r\n UNITS\r\n ohm;\r\n kohm = 1000 ohm;\r\n Mohm = 1000 kohm;\r\n END UNITS;\r\n SIGNAL r : resistance := 100 ohm;\r\n\r\n SUBTYPE big_r IS resistance RANGE 1000 TO 2000;\r\n\r\n SUBTYPE my_small_int IS my_int RANGE 0 TO 5;\r\n\r\n SUBTYPE foo IS my_int RANGE 2 TO my_int\'high;\r\n\r\n SUBTYPE rint IS resolved my_int;\r\n\r\n TYPE p IS ACCESS my_int;\r\n\r\n TYPE f IS FILE OF my_int;\r\n\r\n FILE f1 : f OPEN READ_MODE IS "foo";\r\n\r\n FILE f2 : f IS "bar";\r\n\r\n FILE f3 : f;\r\n\r\n TYPE r1 IS RECORD\r\n a : INTEGER;\r\n b : INTEGER;\r\n c : foo(1 TO 5);\r\n END RECORD;\r\n\r\n FILE f4 : f IS OUT "bar"; -- VHDL-87 compat\r\n\r\n FILE f5 : f IS IN "bar"; -- VHDL-87 compat\r\n\r\n TYPE r2 IS RECORD\r\n x : INTEGER;\r\n END RECORD r2;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("types", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest36() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ARCHITECTURE test OF bufr_test IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n\r\n BUF_DATA_CLK : BUFR\r\n GENERIC MAP(\r\n BUFR_DIVIDE => "BYPASS",\r\n SIM_DEVICE => "7SERIES")\r\n PORT MAP(\r\n O => amu_adc_dco,\r\n CE => \'1\',\r\n CLR => \'0\',\r\n I => amu_adc_dco_i);\r\n\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("new line after (", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest37() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ENTITY nest1 IS\r\nEND ENTITY;\r\nARCHITECTURE test OF nest1 IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS IS\r\n VARIABLE x : INTEGER := 2;\r\n VARIABLE y : bit_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);\r\n IMPURE FUNCTION add_to_x(y : INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER IS\r\n IMPURE FUNCTION do_it RETURN INTEGER IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n RETURN x + y;\r\n END FUNCTION;\r\n BEGIN\r\n RETURN do_it;\r\n END FUNCTION;\r\n BEGIN\r\n ASSERT add_to_x(5) = 7;\r\n WAIT;\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("nested functions", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest38() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'REPORT INTEGER\'image(a) & " " & INTEGER\'image(b) & " "\r\n & INTEGER\'image(c) & " " & INTEGER\'image(d) & " "\r\n & INTEGER\'image(e) & " " & INTEGER\'image(f);\r\nWAIT;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("report severl lines", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest39() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'assert v / = ( X "01", X "02" ) ;'; let expected = 'ASSERT v /= (X "01", X "02");'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("signs", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest40() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'PORT MAP\r\n (we => NOT cpu_rw, spo => ram_dout);\r\nPORT MAP(we => NOT cpu_rw, spo => ram_dout);\r\nPORT MAP\r\n(\r\n we => NOT cpu_rw, spo => ram_dout\r\n);'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("port map in newline", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest41() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ARCHITECTURE test3 OF test IS\r\n COMPONENT comp IS PORT (a : BOOLEAN);\r\n END COMPONENT;\r\n SIGNAL s_ok : BOOLEAN;\r\nBEGIN\r\n comp PORT MAP(a => s_ok); -- unlabeled component instantiation\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("end component", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest42() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ENTITY bar IS\r\nEND ENTITY bar;\r\nENTITY \\foo\\ IS\r\n PORT (test : IN BIT);\r\nEND ENTITY \\foo\\;\r\nARCHITECTURE structural OF \\foo\\ IS\r\nBEGIN -- architecture structural\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE structural;\r\nARCHITECTURE structural OF bar IS\r\n SIGNAL test : BIT;\r\nBEGIN -- architecture structural\r\n foo_1 : ENTITY work.\\foo\\\r\n PORT MAP(test => test);\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE structural;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("end component", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest43() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'ARCHITECTURE test OF issue122 IS\r\n IMPURE FUNCTION func(x : INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER IS\r\n IMPURE FUNCTION nested RETURN INTEGER IS\r\n BEGIN\r\n RETURN x;\r\n END FUNCTION;\r\n VARIABLE v : INTEGER := nested;\r\n BEGIN\r\n RETURN v;\r\n END FUNCTION;\r\nBEGIN\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("end component", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest44() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(" "); let input = 'REPORT\n"A_ARITH_MOD_tester.main Tester is now ready. A total of " &\nINTEGER\'image(totalTests) & " tests have been detected.";'; let expected = 'REPORT\r\n "A_ARITH_MOD_tester.main Tester is now ready. A total of " &\r\n INTEGER\'image(totalTests) & " tests have been detected.";'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("ingore keywords in quotes", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest45() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.KeywordCase = "lowercase"; settings.TypeNameCase = "lowercase"; settings.Indentation = " "; let input = 'REPORT\n"A_ARITH_MOD_tester.main Tester is now ready. A total OF " &\nINTEGER\'image(totalTests) & " tests have been detected.";'; let expected = 'report\r\n "A_ARITH_MOD_tester.main Tester is now ready. A total OF " &\r\n integer\'image(totalTests) & " tests have been detected.";'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("ingore keywords in quotes & convert to lowercase", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest46() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.KeywordCase = "lowercase"; settings.TypeNameCase = "lowercase"; let input = 'impure function delay(\r\n l : integer\r\n) return time is\r\n variable r : real;\r\nbegin\r\n result := 2ps;\r\n return result;\r\nend function;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("impure function indent", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest47() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.KeywordCase = "lowercase"; settings.TypeNameCase = "lowercase"; settings.Indentation = " "; let input = 'result := 1\r\n 1\r\n + 1; -- hello'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("multiline expression & comment", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest48() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.KeywordCase = "lowercase"; settings.TypeNameCase = "lowercase"; let input = 'function delay(\r\n l : integer\r\n) return time is\r\n variable r : real;\r\nbegin\r\n result := 2ps;\r\n return result;\r\nend function;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("function indent", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest49() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.SignAlignSettings = new signAlignSettings(true, false, "", ["PROCEDURE"]); let input = 'PROCEDURE wait_until(\r\n SIGNAL a : IN data_status;\r\n b : data_status\r\n);'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("align sign in procedure", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest50() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.SignAlignSettings = new signAlignSettings(true, false, "", []); let input = 'PROCEDURE wait_until(\r\n SIGNAL a : IN data_status;\r\n b : data_status\r\n);'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("does not align sign in procedure", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest51() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.SignAlignSettings = new signAlignSettings(false, true, "", []); let input = 'architecture behaviour of a is\r\nbegin\r\n main : process\r\n variable b : e := (others => DR_INIT);\r\n variable c, d : positive := 8;\r\n begin\r\n end process main;\r\nend architecture behaviour;'; let expected = 'ARCHITECTURE behaviour OF a IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n main : PROCESS\r\n VARIABLE b : e := (OTHERS => DR_INIT);\r\n VARIABLE c, d : POSITIVE := 8;\r\n BEGIN\r\n END PROCESS main;\r\nEND ARCHITECTURE behaviour;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("process with name", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest52() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.KeywordCase = "lowercase"; settings.TypeNameCase = "lowercase"; let input = 'function a(\r\n b : integer\r\n c : integer\r\n) return integer;\r\n\r\nimpure function a(\r\n b : integer\r\n c : integer\r\n) return integer;\r\n\r\nfunction a(\r\n b : integer\r\n c : integer\r\n) return integer;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("function without sequential statements", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest53() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.KeywordCase = "lowercase"; settings.TypeNameCase = "lowercase"; let input = 'function a(\r\n b : integer\r\n c : integer\r\n) return integer;\r\n\r\nimpure function a(\r\n b : integer\r\n c : integer\r\n) return integer;\r\n\r\nfunction a(\r\n b : integer\r\n c : integer\r\n) return integer;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("function without sequential statements, without new line", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest54() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'PACKAGE a IS\r\n FUNCTION b(\r\n c : INTEGER\r\n ) RETURN INTEGER;\r\nEND PACKAGE;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("package & function without sequential statements", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest55() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.SignAlignSettings = new signAlignSettings(false, true, "", []); let input = 'main :\r\nPROCESS\r\n VARIABLE b : a := (OTHERS => DR_INIT);\r\nBEGIN'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("package with label and align all symbols", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest56() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.SignAlignSettings = new signAlignSettings(false, true, "", []); let input = 'a <= (2 => DR_ONE, 5 => DR_ZERO);\r\nbc <= (32 => DR_ONE);'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("package with label and align all symbols", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest57() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'result := (\'-\', \'1\');'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("- in quotes", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest58() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.KeywordCase = "lowercase"; settings.TypeNameCase = "lowercase"; let input = 'package body a is\r\n procedure b(\r\n signal a : in boolean;\r\n b : boolean\r\n ) is\r\n begin\r\n a = 1\r\n end procedure b;\r\nend a;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("package body", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest59() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.KeywordCase = "lowercase"; settings.TypeNameCase = "lowercase"; let input = 'package body a is\r\n procedure b(\r\n signal a : in boolean;\r\n b : boolean) is\r\n begin\r\n a = 1\r\n end procedure b;\r\nend a;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("package body 2", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest60() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'abcde : FOR i IN 0 TO b - 1 GENERATE\r\n b : A_REG_MOD\r\nEND GENERATE aaa;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("generate with label", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest61() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.NewLineSettings.newLineAfter.push("port map") let input = 'port\r\nmap(\r\na => a(i)\r\n);'; let expected = 'PORT MAP\r\n(\r\n a => a(i)\r\n);'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("port new line map", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest62() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.NewLineSettings.newLineAfter.push("port map") let input = 'port map(\r\na => a(i)\r\n);'; let expected = 'PORT MAP\r\n(\r\n a => a(i)\r\n);'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("port map new line", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest63() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.NewLineSettings.newLineAfter.push("port", "port map"); let input = 'reg : a PORT\r\nMAP(\r\nb => c(i)\r\n);'; let expected = 'reg : a PORT MAP\r\n(\r\n b => c(i)\r\n);'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("port map new line 2", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest64() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'reg : a PORT\r\nMAP(\r\nb => c(i)\r\n);'; let expected = 'reg : a PORT MAP(\r\n b => c(i)\r\n);'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("port map no new line", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest65() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.NewLineSettings.noNewLineAfter.push("port", "port map"); let input = 'reg : a PORT\r\nMAP\r\n(\r\nb => c(i)\r\n);'; let expected = 'reg : a PORT MAP(\r\n b => c(i)\r\n);'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("port map no new line 2", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest66() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.NewLineSettings.noNewLineAfter.push("port", "port map"); let input = 'component a is\r\n generic (b\r\n );\r\n port (\r\n c\r\n );\r\n end component;\r\n-- anything1\r\n-- anything2'; let expected = 'COMPONENT a IS\r\n GENERIC (\r\n b\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n c\r\n );\r\nEND COMPONENT;\r\n-- anything1\r\n-- anything2'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("component generic", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest67() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'type STATE_TYPE is (\r\n A,\r\nB,\r\n C);\r\nA'; let expected = 'TYPE STATE_TYPE IS (\r\n A,\r\n B,\r\n C);\r\nA'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("multiline enumerated type is", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest68() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'type STATE_TYPE is (A, B, C);\r\nA'; let expected = 'TYPE STATE_TYPE IS (A, B, C);\r\nA'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("single line enumerated type is", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest69() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'type STATE_TYPE is (\r\n A,\r\nB,\r\n C\r\n);\r\nA'; let expected = 'TYPE STATE_TYPE IS (\r\n A,\r\n B,\r\n C\r\n);\r\nA'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("multiline enumerated type is", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest70() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'test\r\n := test'; let expected = 'test\r\n:= test'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("multiline assignment", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest71() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'VARIABLE \\#$)!?\\ : INTEGER;\r\nVARIABLE \\try this in verilog\\ : BIT;\r\nVARIABLE \\Buffer\\ : BIT;'; let expected = 'VARIABLE \\#$)!?\\ : INTEGER;\r\nVARIABLE \\try this in verilog\\ : BIT;\r\nVARIABLE \\Buffer\\ : BIT;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("backslash, extended indentifier", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest72() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'test := 12e+6'; let expected = 'test := 12e+6'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("scientific notation", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest73() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.EndOfLine = "\n"; let input = 'test := test;\ntest := test;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("end of line", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest74() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.EndOfLine = " EOF "; let input = 'test := test;\ntest := test;'; let expected = 'test := test; EOF test := test;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("end of line 2", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest75() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.SignAlignSettings = new signAlignSettings(false, true, "", []); let input = 'test := loooong; -- test\r\ntest := short; -- test'; let expected = 'test := loooong; -- test\r\ntest := short; -- test'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("align comments", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest76() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.SignAlignSettings = new signAlignSettings(false, true, "", []); let input = "a <= (b => '000'); -- test\r\nlooong <= (others => '0'); -- test"; let expected = "a <= (b => '000'); -- test\r\nlooong <= (OTHERS => '0'); -- test"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("align <= => signs", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest77() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = "WHEN -2;\r\nSIGNAL +0;"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("negative sign and number after key word", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest78() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = "sfixed(4 downto - 18);\r\nx <= to_sfixed( - 2.3, x);\r\nresize(x + 1, 4, - 18) when others;"; let expected = "sfixed(4 DOWNTO -18);\r\nx <= to_sfixed(-2.3, x);\r\nresize(x + 1, 4, -18) WHEN OTHERS;"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("negative sign and number after symbol", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest79() { let settings = new BeautifierSettings(false, false, false, null, "lowercase", "uppercase", null, null, "\r\n", false); let input = "case when others;\r\nx : STRING;\r\ny : BIT;"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("uppercase typename and lowercase keyword", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest80() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'FUNCTION "abs" (arg : sfixed) RETURN sfixed;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("function name in quotes", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest81() { // TODO let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'test : IN type := 0\r\ntest : OUT type := 0\r\ntest : INOUT type := 0\r\ntest : BUFFER type := 0\r\ntest : LINKAGE type := 0'; let expected = 'test : IN type := 0\r\ntest : OUT type := 0\r\ntest : INOUT type := 0\r\ntest : BUFFER type := 0\r\ntest : LINKAGE type := 0'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("signal in out alignment", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest82() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.SignAlignSettings = new signAlignSettings(false, true, "local", []); let input = 'long : test;\r\n-- comment\r\nloooooong : test;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("block alignment local", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest83() { // TODO let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'FUNCTION "<=" (l : ufixed; long : NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;\r\nFUNCTION ">" (l : ufixed; r : NATURAL) RETURN BOOLEAN;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("signal in out alignment", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest84() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'PACKAGE f IS\r\n FUNCTION s (\r\n arg : sfixed) -- fp vector\r\n RETURN t;\r\nEND PACKAGE f;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("empty body and return", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest85() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.NewLineSettings.newLineAfter = ["port"] let input = 'REPORT "FIXED_GENERIC_PKG: Vector passed using a ""to"" range, expected is ""downto"""\r\n SEVERITY error;'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("report and severity", input, actual); } function IntegrationTest86() { // TODO let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = 'round_up(arg => arg,\r\n result => result,\r\n overflowx => round_overflow);'; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("multilines in bracket", input, actual); } //TODO multiline setting, if true, \r\n\r\n -> \r\n\r\n, if false, \r\n\r\n -> \r\n function GetDefaultSettings(indentation: string = " "): BeautifierSettings { let new_line_after_symbols = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["generic"]; let signAligns = new signAlignSettings(false, false, "", []); let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols, signAligns, indentation); return settings; } function getDefaultBeautifierSettings(newLineSettings: NewLineSettings, signAlignSettings: signAlignSettings = null, indentation: string = " "): BeautifierSettings { return new BeautifierSettings(false, false, false, signAlignSettings, "uppercase", "uppercase", indentation, newLineSettings, "\r\n", false); } function IntegrationTest20() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); let input = "process xyx (vf,fr,\r\nde -- comment\r\n)"; let expected = "PROCESS xyx (vf, fr, \r\n de -- comment\r\n )"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("Align parameters in PROCESS", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest5() { let settings = GetDefaultSettings(); settings.SignAlignSettings = new signAlignSettings(true, false, "", ["PORT"]); let input = "port map(\r\ninput_1 => input_1_sig,\r\ninput_2 => input_2_sig,\r\noutput => output_sig\r\n);"; let expected = "PORT MAP(\r\n input_1 => input_1_sig,\r\n input_2 => input_2_sig,\r\n output => output_sig\r\n);"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("Sign align in PORT", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest6() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";", "port map"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); settings.SignAlignSettings = new signAlignSettings(true, false, "", ["PORT"]); let input = "port map(\r\ninput_1 => input_1_sig,\r\ninput_2 => input_2_sig,\r\noutput => output_sig\r\n);"; let expected = "PORT MAP\r\n(\r\n input_1 => input_1_sig,\r\n input_2 => input_2_sig,\r\n output => output_sig\r\n);"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("Sign align in PORT & new line after MAP", expected, actual); } function IntegrationTest2() { let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings(); new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"]; new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["generic"]; let settings = getDefaultBeautifierSettings(new_line_after_symbols); settings.RemoveComments = true; let input = "architecture TB of TB_CPU is\r\n component CPU_IF\r\n port -- port list\r\n end component;\r\n signal CPU_DATA_VALID: std_ulogic;\r\n signal CLK, RESET: std_ulogic := '0';\r\n constant PERIOD : time := 10 ns;\r\n constant MAX_SIM: time := 50 * PERIOD;\r\n begin\r\n -- concurrent statements\r\n end TB;" let expected = "ARCHITECTURE TB OF TB_CPU IS\r\n COMPONENT CPU_IF\r\n PORT\r\n END COMPONENT;\r\n SIGNAL CPU_DATA_VALID : std_ulogic;\r\n SIGNAL CLK, RESET : std_ulogic := '0';\r\n CONSTANT PERIOD : TIME := 10 ns;\r\n CONSTANT MAX_SIM : TIME := 50 * PERIOD;\r\nBEGIN\r\nEND TB;"; let actual = beautify(input, settings); assertAndCountTest("Remove comments", expected, actual); } function assertAndCountTest(testName: string, expected: string, actual: string, message?: undefined) { testCount++; return assert(testName, expected, actual, message); } function CompareArray(actual: Array, expected: Array) { var l = Math.min(actual.length, expected.length); let result: string = ""; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (actual[i] != expected[i]) { result += CompareString(actual[i], expected[i]) + "\n"; } } if (actual.length > expected.length) { result += "actual has more items"; for (var i = expected.length; i < actual.length; i++) { result += "actual[" + i + "] = " + actual[i]; } } else if (actual.length < expected.length) { result += "expected has more items"; for (var i = actual.length; i < expected.length; i++) { result += "expected[" + i + "] = " + expected[i]; } } return true; }