You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

845 lines
34 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
let isTesting = false;
const ILEscape = "@@";
const ILCommentPrefix = ILEscape + "comments";
const ILIndentedReturnPrefix = ILEscape;
const ILQuote = "⨵";
const ILSingleQuote = "⦼";
const ILBackslash = "⨸";
const ILSemicolon = "⨴";
var FormatMode;
(function (FormatMode) {
FormatMode[FormatMode["Default"] = 0] = "Default";
FormatMode[FormatMode["EndsWithSemicolon"] = 1] = "EndsWithSemicolon";
FormatMode[FormatMode["CaseWhen"] = 2] = "CaseWhen";
FormatMode[FormatMode["IfElse"] = 3] = "IfElse";
FormatMode[FormatMode["PortGeneric"] = 4] = "PortGeneric";
})(FormatMode || (FormatMode = {}));
let Mode = FormatMode.Default;
class NewLineSettings {
constructor() {
this.newLineAfter = [];
this.noNewLineAfter = [];
newLineAfterPush(keyword) {
noNewLineAfterPush(keyword) {
push(keyword, addNewLine) {
let str = addNewLine.toLowerCase();
if (str == "none") {
else if (!str.startsWith("no")) {
else {
exports.NewLineSettings = NewLineSettings;
function ConstructNewLineSettings(dict) {
let settings = new NewLineSettings();
for (let key in dict) {
settings.push(key, dict[key]);
return settings;
String.prototype.regexCount = function (pattern) {
if (pattern.flags.indexOf("g") < 0) {
pattern = new RegExp(pattern.source, pattern.flags + "g");
return (this.match(pattern) || []).length;
String.prototype.count = function (text) {
return this.split(text).length - 1;
String.prototype.regexStartsWith = function (pattern) {
var searchResult =;
return searchResult == 0;
String.prototype.regexIndexOf = function (pattern, startIndex) {
startIndex = startIndex || 0;
var searchResult = this.substr(startIndex).search(pattern);
return (-1 === searchResult) ? -1 : searchResult + startIndex;
String.prototype.regexLastIndexOf = function (pattern, startIndex) {
pattern = ( ? pattern :
new RegExp(pattern.source, 'g' + (pattern.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + (pattern.multiline ? 'm' : ''));
if (typeof (startIndex) === 'undefined') {
startIndex = this.length;
else if (startIndex < 0) {
startIndex = 0;
const stringToWorkWith = this.substring(0, startIndex + 1);
let lastIndexOf = -1;
let nextStop = 0;
let result;
while ((result = pattern.exec(stringToWorkWith)) != null) {
lastIndexOf = result.index;
pattern.lastIndex = ++nextStop;
return lastIndexOf;
String.prototype.reverse = function () {
return this.split('').reverse().join('');
String.prototype.convertToRegexBlockWords = function () {
let result = new RegExp("(" + this + ")([^\\w]|$)");
return result;
Array.prototype.convertToRegexBlockWords = function () {
let wordsStr = this.join("|");
let result = new RegExp("(" + wordsStr + ")([^\\w]|$)");
return result;
function EscapeComments(arr) {
var comments = [];
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var line = arr[i];
var commentStartIndex = line.indexOf("--");
if (commentStartIndex >= 0) {
arr[i] = line.substr(0, commentStartIndex) + ILCommentPrefix + count;
var isInComment = false;
var commentRegex = new RegExp("(?<=" + ILCommentPrefix + "[\\d]+).");
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var commentStartIndex = 0;
var hasComment = true;
var commentEndInlineIndex = 0;
while (hasComment) {
var line = arr[i];
if (!isInComment) {
commentStartIndex = line.indexOf("/*");
var commentEndIndex = line.indexOf("*/", commentStartIndex);
if (commentStartIndex >= 0) {
if (commentEndIndex >= 0) {
commentEndInlineIndex = commentEndIndex + 2;
isInComment = false;
comments.push(line.substring(commentStartIndex, commentEndInlineIndex));
arr[i] = line.substr(0, commentStartIndex) + ILCommentPrefix + count + line.substr(commentEndInlineIndex);
hasComment = true;
if (commentStartIndex + 2 == line.length) {
hasComment = false;
else {
isInComment = true;
arr[i] = line.substr(0, commentStartIndex) + ILCommentPrefix + count;
hasComment = false;
else {
hasComment = false;
if (isInComment) {
var lastCommentEndIndex = line.regexLastIndexOf(commentRegex, line.length);
if (commentStartIndex == 0) {
var commentEndIndex = line.indexOf("*/", lastCommentEndIndex);
else {
var commentEndIndex = line.indexOf("*/", commentStartIndex);
if (commentEndIndex >= 0) {
isInComment = false;
comments.push(line.substr(0, commentEndIndex + 2));
arr[i] = ILCommentPrefix + count + line.substr(commentEndIndex + 2);
hasComment = true;
else {
arr[i] = ILCommentPrefix + count;
hasComment = false;
return comments;
function ToLowerCases(arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = arr[i].toLowerCase();
function ToUpperCases(arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = arr[i].toUpperCase();
function ToCamelCases(arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = arr[i].charAt(0) + arr[i].slice(1).toLowerCase();
function ReplaceKeyWords(text, keywords) {
for (var k = 0; k < keywords.length; k++) {
text = text.replace(new RegExp("([^a-zA-Z0-9_@]|^)" + keywords[k] + "([^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$)", 'gi'), "$1" + keywords[k] + "$2");
return text;
function SetKeywordCase(input, keywordcase, keywords) {
let inputcase = keywordcase.toLowerCase();
switch (inputcase) {
case "lowercase":
case "defaultcase":
case "uppercase":
input = ReplaceKeyWords(input, keywords);
return input;
function SetNewLinesAfterSymbols(text, newLineSettings) {
if (newLineSettings == null) {
return text;
if (newLineSettings.newLineAfter != null) {
newLineSettings.newLineAfter.forEach(symbol => {
let upper = symbol.toUpperCase();
var rexString = "(" + upper + ")[ ]?([^ \r\n@])";
let regex = null;
if (upper.regexStartsWith(/\w/)) {
regex = new RegExp("\\b" + rexString, "g");
else {
regex = new RegExp(rexString, "g");
text = text.replace(regex, '$1\r\n$2');
if (upper == "PORT") {
text = text.replace(/\bPORT\b\s+MAP/, "PORT MAP");
if (newLineSettings.noNewLineAfter != null) {
newLineSettings.noNewLineAfter.forEach(symbol => {
let rexString = "(" + symbol.toUpperCase() + ")[ \r\n]+([^@])";
let regex = null;
if (symbol.regexStartsWith(/\w/)) {
regex = new RegExp("\\b" + rexString, "g");
text = text.replace(regex, '$1 $2');
else {
regex = new RegExp(rexString, "g");
text = text.replace(regex, '$1 $2');
return text;
exports.SetNewLinesAfterSymbols = SetNewLinesAfterSymbols;
class signAlignSettings {
constructor(isRegional, isAll, mode, keyWords) {
this.isRegional = isRegional;
this.isAll = isAll;
this.mode = mode;
this.keyWords = keyWords;
exports.signAlignSettings = signAlignSettings;
class BeautifierSettings {
constructor(removeComments, removeReport, checkAlias, signAlignSettings, keywordCase, typeNameCase, indentation, newLineSettings, endOfLine, addNewLine) {
this.RemoveComments = removeComments;
this.RemoveAsserts = removeReport;
this.CheckAlias = checkAlias;
this.SignAlignSettings = signAlignSettings;
this.KeywordCase = keywordCase;
this.TypeNameCase = typeNameCase;
this.Indentation = indentation;
this.NewLineSettings = newLineSettings;
this.EndOfLine = endOfLine;
this.AddNewLine = addNewLine;
exports.BeautifierSettings = BeautifierSettings;
function beautify(input, settings) {
input = input.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
input = input.replace(/\n/g, "\r\n");
var arr = input.split("\r\n");
var comments = EscapeComments(arr);
var backslashes = escapeText(arr, "\\\\[^\\\\]+\\\\", ILBackslash);
let quotes = escapeText(arr, '"([^"]+)"', ILQuote);
let singleQuotes = escapeText(arr, "'[^']'", ILSingleQuote);
input = arr.join("\r\n");
if (settings.RemoveComments) {
input = input.replace(/\r\n[ \t]*@@comments[0-9]+[ \t]*\r\n/g, '\r\n');
input = input.replace(/@@comments[0-9]+/g, '');
comments = [];
input = SetKeywordCase(input, "uppercase", KeyWords);
input = SetKeywordCase(input, "uppercase", TypeNames);
input = RemoveExtraNewLines(input);
input = input.replace(/[\t ]+/g, ' ');
input = input.replace(/\([\t ]+/g, '\(');
input = input.replace(/[ ]+;/g, ';');
input = input.replace(/:[ ]*(PROCESS|ENTITY)/gi, ':$1');
arr = input.split("\r\n");
if (settings.RemoveAsserts) {
RemoveAsserts(arr); //RemoveAsserts must be after EscapeQuotes
input = arr.join("\r\n");
input = input.replace(/\b(PORT|GENERIC)\b\s+MAP/g, '$1 MAP');
input = input.replace(/\b(PORT|PROCESS|GENERIC)\b[\s]*\(/g, '$1 (');
let newLineSettings = settings.NewLineSettings;
if (newLineSettings != null) {
input = SetNewLinesAfterSymbols(input, newLineSettings);
arr = input.split("\r\n");
ApplyNoNewLineAfter(arr, newLineSettings.noNewLineAfter);
input = arr.join("\r\n");
input = input.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9\); ])\);(@@comments[0-9]+)?@@end/g, '$1\r\n);$2@@end');
input = input.replace(/[ ]?([&=:\-\+|\*]|[<>]+)[ ]?/g, ' $1 ');
input = input.replace(/(\d+e) +([+\-]) +(\d+)/g, '$1$2$3'); // fix exponential notation format broken by previous step
input = input.replace(/[ ]?([,])[ ]?/g, '$1 ');
input = input.replace(/[ ]?(['"])(THEN)/g, '$1 $2');
input = input.replace(/[ ]?(\?)?[ ]?(<|:|>|\/)?[ ]+(=)?[ ]?/g, ' $1$2$3 ');
input = input.replace(/(IF)[ ]?([\(\)])/g, '$1 $2');
input = input.replace(/([\(\)])[ ]?(THEN)/gi, '$1 $2');
input = input.replace(/(^|[\(\)])[ ]?(AND|OR|XOR|XNOR)[ ]*([\(])/g, '$1 $2 $3');
input = input.replace(/ ([\-\*\/=+<>])[ ]*([\-\*\/=+<>]) /g, " $1$2 ");
//input = input.replace(/\r\n[ \t]+--\r\n/g, "\r\n");
input = input.replace(/[ ]+/g, ' ');
input = input.replace(/[ \t]+\r\n/g, "\r\n");
input = input.replace(/\r\n\r\n\r\n/g, '\r\n');
input = input.replace(/[\r\n\s]+$/g, '');
input = input.replace(/[ \t]+\)/g, ')');
input = input.replace(/\s*\)\s+RETURN\s+([\w]+;)/g, '\r\n) RETURN $1'); //function(..)\r\nreturn type; -> function(..\r\n)return type;
input = input.replace(/\)\s*(@@\w+)\r\n\s*RETURN\s+([\w]+;)/g, ') $1\r\n' + ILIndentedReturnPrefix + 'RETURN $2'); //function(..)\r\nreturn type; -> function(..\r\n)return type;
let keywordAndSignRegex = new RegExp("(\\b" + KeyWords.join("\\b|\\b") + "\\b) +([\\-+]) +(\\w)", "g");
input = input.replace(keywordAndSignRegex, "$1 $2$3"); // `WHEN - 2` -> `WHEN -2`
input = input.replace(/([,|]) +([+\-]) +(\w)/g, '$1 $2$3'); // `1, - 2)` -> `1, -2)`
input = input.replace(/(\() +([+\-]) +(\w)/g, '$1$2$3'); // `( - 2)` -> `(-2)`
arr = input.split("\r\n");
let result = [];
beautify3(arr, result, settings, 0, 0);
var alignSettings = settings.SignAlignSettings;
if (alignSettings != null && alignSettings.isAll) {
AlignSigns(result, 0, result.length - 1, alignSettings.mode);
arr = FormattedLineToString(result, settings.Indentation);
input = arr.join("\r\n");
input = input.replace(/@@RETURN/g, "RETURN");
input = SetKeywordCase(input, settings.KeywordCase, KeyWords);
input = SetKeywordCase(input, settings.TypeNameCase, TypeNames);
input = replaceEscapedWords(input, quotes, ILQuote);
input = replaceEscapedWords(input, singleQuotes, ILSingleQuote);
input = replaceEscapedComments(input, comments, ILCommentPrefix);
input = replaceEscapedWords(input, backslashes, ILBackslash);
input = input.replace(new RegExp(ILSemicolon, "g"), ";");
input = input.replace(/@@[a-z]+/g, "");
var escapedTexts = new RegExp("[" + ILBackslash + ILQuote + ILSingleQuote + "]", "g");
input = input.replace(escapedTexts, "");
input = input.replace(/\r\n/g, settings.EndOfLine);
if (settings.AddNewLine && !input.endsWith(settings.EndOfLine)) {
input += settings.EndOfLine;
return input;
exports.beautify = beautify;
function replaceEscapedWords(input, arr, prefix) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var text = arr[i];
var regex = new RegExp("(" + prefix + "){" + text.length + "}");
input = input.replace(regex, text);
return input;
function replaceEscapedComments(input, arr, prefix) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
input = input.replace(prefix + i, arr[i]);
return input;
function RemoveLeadingWhitespaces(arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = arr[i].replace(/^\s+/, "");
class FormattedLine {
constructor(line, indent) {
this.Line = line;
this.Indent = indent;
exports.FormattedLine = FormattedLine;
function FormattedLineToString(arr, indentation) {
let result = [];
if (arr == null) {
return result;
if (indentation == null) {
indentation = "";
arr.forEach(i => {
if (i instanceof FormattedLine) {
if (i.Line.length > 0) {
result.push((Array(i.Indent + 1).join(indentation)) + i.Line);
else {
else {
result = result.concat(FormattedLineToString(i, indentation));
return result;
exports.FormattedLineToString = FormattedLineToString;
function GetCloseparentheseEndIndex(inputs, startIndex) {
let openParentheseCount = 0;
let closeParentheseCount = 0;
for (let i = startIndex; i < inputs.length; i++) {
let input = inputs[i];
openParentheseCount += input.count("(");
closeParentheseCount += input.count(")");
if (openParentheseCount > 0
&& openParentheseCount <= closeParentheseCount) {
return i;
return startIndex;
function beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, parentEndIndex, indent, mode) {
let firstLine = inputs[startIndex];
let regex = new RegExp("[\\w\\s:]*(" + mode + ")([\\s]|$)");
if (!firstLine.regexStartsWith(regex)) {
return [startIndex, parentEndIndex];
let firstLineHasParenthese = firstLine.indexOf("(") >= 0;
let hasParenthese = firstLineHasParenthese;
let blockBodyStartIndex = startIndex;
let secondLineHasParenthese = startIndex + 1 < inputs.length && inputs[startIndex + 1].startsWith("(");
if (secondLineHasParenthese) {
hasParenthese = true;
let endIndex = hasParenthese ? GetCloseparentheseEndIndex(inputs, startIndex) : startIndex;
if (endIndex != startIndex && firstLineHasParenthese) {
inputs[startIndex] = inputs[startIndex].replace(/\b(PORT|GENERIC|PROCEDURE)\b([\w ]+)\(([\w\(\) ]+)/, '$1$2(\r\n$3');
let newInputs = inputs[startIndex].split("\r\n");
if (newInputs.length == 2) {
inputs[startIndex] = newInputs[0];
inputs.splice(startIndex + 1, 0, newInputs[1]);
else if (endIndex > startIndex + 1 && secondLineHasParenthese) {
inputs[startIndex + 1] = inputs[startIndex + 1].replace(/\(([\w\(\) ]+)/, '(\r\n$1');
let newInputs = inputs[startIndex + 1].split("\r\n");
if (newInputs.length == 2) {
inputs[startIndex + 1] = newInputs[0];
inputs.splice(startIndex + 2, 0, newInputs[1]);
if (firstLineHasParenthese && inputs[startIndex].indexOf("MAP") > 0) {
inputs[startIndex] = inputs[startIndex].replace(/([^\w])(MAP)\s+\(/g, '$1$2(');
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex], indent));
if (secondLineHasParenthese) {
let secondLineIndent = indent;
if (endIndex == startIndex + 1) {
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex + 1], secondLineIndent));
let blockBodyEndIndex = endIndex;
let i = beautify3(inputs, result, settings, blockBodyStartIndex + 1, indent + 1, endIndex);
if (inputs[i].startsWith(")")) {
var alignSettings = settings.SignAlignSettings;
if (alignSettings != null) {
if (alignSettings.isRegional && !alignSettings.isAll
&& alignSettings.keyWords != null
&& alignSettings.keyWords.indexOf(mode) >= 0) {
AlignSigns(result, blockBodyStartIndex, blockBodyEndIndex, alignSettings.mode);
return [i, parentEndIndex];
exports.beautifyPortGenericBlock = beautifyPortGenericBlock;
function AlignSigns(result, startIndex, endIndex, mode) {
AlignSign_(result, startIndex, endIndex, ":", mode);
AlignSign_(result, startIndex, endIndex, ":=", mode);
AlignSign_(result, startIndex, endIndex, "<=", mode);
AlignSign_(result, startIndex, endIndex, "=>", mode);
AlignSign_(result, startIndex, endIndex, "@@comments", mode);
exports.AlignSigns = AlignSigns;
function AlignSign_(result, startIndex, endIndex, symbol, mode) {
let maxSymbolIndex = -1;
let symbolIndices = {};
let startLine = startIndex;
let labelAndKeywords = [
"([\\w\\s]*:(\\s)*POSTPONED PROCESS)",
let labelAndKeywordsStr = labelAndKeywords.join("|");
let labelAndKeywordsRegex = new RegExp("(" + labelAndKeywordsStr + ")([^\\w]|$)");
for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
let line = result[i].Line;
if (symbol == ":" && line.regexStartsWith(labelAndKeywordsRegex)) {
let regex = new RegExp("([\\s\\w\\\\]|^)" + symbol + "([\\s\\w\\\\]|$)");
if (line.regexCount(regex) > 1) {
let colonIndex = line.regexIndexOf(regex);
if (colonIndex > 0) {
maxSymbolIndex = Math.max(maxSymbolIndex, colonIndex);
symbolIndices[i] = colonIndex;
else if ((mode != "local" && !line.startsWith(ILCommentPrefix) && line.length != 0)
|| (mode == "local")) {
if (startLine < i - 1) // if cannot find the symbol, a block of symbols ends
AlignSign(result, startLine, i - 1, symbol, maxSymbolIndex, symbolIndices);
maxSymbolIndex = -1;
symbolIndices = {};
startLine = i;
if (startLine < endIndex) // if cannot find the symbol, a block of symbols ends
AlignSign(result, startLine, endIndex, symbol, maxSymbolIndex, symbolIndices);
function AlignSign(result, startIndex, endIndex, symbol, maxSymbolIndex = -1, symbolIndices = {}) {
if (maxSymbolIndex < 0) {
for (let lineIndex in symbolIndices) {
let symbolIndex = symbolIndices[lineIndex];
if (symbolIndex == maxSymbolIndex) {
let line = result[lineIndex].Line;
result[lineIndex].Line = line.substring(0, symbolIndex)
+ (Array(maxSymbolIndex - symbolIndex + 1).join(" "))
+ line.substring(symbolIndex);
exports.AlignSign = AlignSign;
function beautifyCaseBlock(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, indent) {
if (!inputs[startIndex].regexStartsWith(/(.+:\s*)?(CASE)([\s]|$)/)) {
return startIndex;
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex], indent));
let i = beautify3(inputs, result, settings, startIndex + 1, indent + 2);
result[i].Indent = indent;
return i;
exports.beautifyCaseBlock = beautifyCaseBlock;
function getSemicolonBlockEndIndex(inputs, settings, startIndex, parentEndIndex) {
let endIndex = 0;
let openBracketsCount = 0;
let closeBracketsCount = 0;
for (let i = startIndex; i < inputs.length; i++) {
let input = inputs[i];
let indexOfSemicolon = input.indexOf(";");
let splitIndex = indexOfSemicolon < 0 ? input.length : indexOfSemicolon + 1;
let stringBeforeSemicolon = input.substring(0, splitIndex);
let stringAfterSemicolon = input.substring(splitIndex);
stringAfterSemicolon = stringAfterSemicolon.replace(new RegExp(ILCommentPrefix + "[0-9]+"), "");
openBracketsCount += stringBeforeSemicolon.count("(");
closeBracketsCount += stringBeforeSemicolon.count(")");
if (indexOfSemicolon < 0) {
if (openBracketsCount == closeBracketsCount) {
endIndex = i;
if (stringAfterSemicolon.trim().length > 0 && settings.NewLineSettings.newLineAfter.indexOf(";") >= 0) {
inputs[i] = stringBeforeSemicolon;
inputs.splice(i, 0, stringAfterSemicolon);
return [endIndex, parentEndIndex];
function beautifyComponentBlock(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, parentEndIndex, indent) {
let endIndex = startIndex;
for (let i = startIndex; i < inputs.length; i++) {
if (inputs[i].regexStartsWith(/END(\s|$)/)) {
endIndex = i;
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex], indent));
if (endIndex != startIndex) {
let actualEndIndex = beautify3(inputs, result, settings, startIndex + 1, indent + 1, endIndex);
let incremental = actualEndIndex - endIndex;
endIndex += incremental;
parentEndIndex += incremental;
return [endIndex, parentEndIndex];
exports.beautifyComponentBlock = beautifyComponentBlock;
function beautifySemicolonBlock(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, parentEndIndex, indent) {
let endIndex = startIndex;
[endIndex, parentEndIndex] = getSemicolonBlockEndIndex(inputs, settings, startIndex, parentEndIndex);
result.push(new FormattedLine(inputs[startIndex], indent));
if (endIndex != startIndex) {
let i = beautify3(inputs, result, settings, startIndex + 1, indent + 1, endIndex);
return [endIndex, parentEndIndex];
exports.beautifySemicolonBlock = beautifySemicolonBlock;
function beautify3(inputs, result, settings, startIndex, indent, endIndex) {
let i;
let regexOneLineBlockKeyWords = new RegExp(/(PROCEDURE)[^\w](?!.+[^\w]IS([^\w]|$))/); //match PROCEDURE..; but not PROCEDURE .. IS;
let regexFunctionMultiLineBlockKeyWords = new RegExp(/(FUNCTION|IMPURE FUNCTION)[^\w](?=.+[^\w]IS([^\w]|$))/); //match FUNCTION .. IS; but not FUNCTION
let blockMidKeyWords = ["BEGIN"];
let blockStartsKeyWords = [
"(([\\w\\s]*:)?(\\s)*POSTPONED PROCESS)",
let blockEndsKeyWords = ["END", ".*\\)\\s*RETURN\\s+[\\w]+;"];
let indentedEndsKeyWords = [ILIndentedReturnPrefix + "RETURN\\s+\\w+;"];
let blockEndsWithSemicolon = [
let newLineAfterKeyWordsStr = blockStartsKeyWords.join("|");
let regexBlockMidKeyWords = blockMidKeyWords.convertToRegexBlockWords();
let regexBlockStartsKeywords = new RegExp("([\\w]+\\s*:\\s*)?(" + newLineAfterKeyWordsStr + ")([^\\w]|$)");
let regexBlockEndsKeyWords = blockEndsKeyWords.convertToRegexBlockWords();
let regexBlockIndentedEndsKeyWords = indentedEndsKeyWords.convertToRegexBlockWords();
let regexblockEndsWithSemicolon = blockEndsWithSemicolon.convertToRegexBlockWords();
let regexMidKeyWhen = "WHEN".convertToRegexBlockWords();
let regexMidKeyElse = "ELSE|ELSIF".convertToRegexBlockWords();
if (endIndex == null) {
endIndex = inputs.length - 1;
for (i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
if (indent < 0) {
indent = 0;
let input = inputs[i].trim();
if (input.regexStartsWith(regexBlockIndentedEndsKeyWords)) {
result.push(new FormattedLine(input, indent));
return i;
if (input.regexStartsWith(/COMPONENT\s/)) {
let modeCache = Mode;
Mode = FormatMode.EndsWithSemicolon;
[i, endIndex] = beautifyComponentBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, endIndex, indent);
Mode = modeCache;
if (input.regexStartsWith(/\w+\s*:\s*ENTITY/)) {
let modeCache = Mode;
Mode = FormatMode.EndsWithSemicolon;
[i, endIndex] = beautifySemicolonBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, endIndex, indent);
Mode = modeCache;
if (Mode != FormatMode.EndsWithSemicolon && input.regexStartsWith(regexblockEndsWithSemicolon)) {
let modeCache = Mode;
Mode = FormatMode.EndsWithSemicolon;
[i, endIndex] = beautifySemicolonBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, endIndex, indent);
Mode = modeCache;
if (input.regexStartsWith(/(.+:\s*)?(CASE)([\s]|$)/)) {
let modeCache = Mode;
Mode = FormatMode.CaseWhen;
i = beautifyCaseBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, indent);
Mode = modeCache;
if (input.regexStartsWith(/.*?\:\=\s*\($/)) {
[i, endIndex] = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, endIndex, indent, ":=");
if (input.regexStartsWith(/[\w\s:]*\bPORT\b([\s]|$)/)) {
[i, endIndex] = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, endIndex, indent, "PORT");
if (input.regexStartsWith(/TYPE\s+\w+\s+IS\s+\(/)) {
[i, endIndex] = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, endIndex, indent, "IS");
if (input.regexStartsWith(/[\w\s:]*GENERIC([\s]|$)/)) {
[i, endIndex] = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, endIndex, indent, "GENERIC");
if (input.regexStartsWith(/[\w\s:]*PROCEDURE[\s\w]+\($/)) {
[i, endIndex] = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, endIndex, indent, "PROCEDURE");
if (inputs[i].regexStartsWith(/.*\)[\s]*IS/)) {
i = beautify3(inputs, result, settings, i + 1, indent + 1);
if (input.regexStartsWith(/FUNCTION[^\w]/)
&& input.regexIndexOf(/[^\w]RETURN[^\w]/) < 0) {
[i, endIndex] = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, endIndex, indent, "FUNCTION");
if (!inputs[i].regexStartsWith(regexBlockEndsKeyWords)) {
i = beautify3(inputs, result, settings, i + 1, indent + 1);
else {
if (input.regexStartsWith(/IMPURE FUNCTION[^\w]/)
&& input.regexIndexOf(/[^\w]RETURN[^\w]/) < 0) {
[i, endIndex] = beautifyPortGenericBlock(inputs, result, settings, i, endIndex, indent, "IMPURE FUNCTION");
if (!inputs[i].regexStartsWith(regexBlockEndsKeyWords)) {
if (inputs[i].regexStartsWith(regexBlockIndentedEndsKeyWords)) {
else {
i = beautify3(inputs, result, settings, i + 1, indent + 1);
else {
result.push(new FormattedLine(input, indent));
if (startIndex != 0
&& (input.regexStartsWith(regexBlockMidKeyWords)
|| (Mode != FormatMode.EndsWithSemicolon && input.regexStartsWith(regexMidKeyElse))
|| (Mode == FormatMode.CaseWhen && input.regexStartsWith(regexMidKeyWhen)))) {
else if (startIndex != 0
&& (input.regexStartsWith(regexBlockEndsKeyWords))) {
return i;
if (input.regexStartsWith(regexOneLineBlockKeyWords)) {
if (input.regexStartsWith(regexFunctionMultiLineBlockKeyWords)
|| input.regexStartsWith(regexBlockStartsKeywords)) {
i = beautify3(inputs, result, settings, i + 1, indent + 1);
return i;
exports.beautify3 = beautify3;
function ReserveSemicolonInKeywords(arr) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].match(/FUNCTION|PROCEDURE/) != null) {
arr[i] = arr[i].replace(/;/g, ILSemicolon);
function ApplyNoNewLineAfter(arr, noNewLineAfter) {
if (noNewLineAfter == null) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
noNewLineAfter.forEach(n => {
let regex = new RegExp("(" + n.toUpperCase + ")[ a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9]+");
if (arr[i].regexIndexOf(regex) >= 0) {
arr[i] += "@@singleline";
exports.ApplyNoNewLineAfter = ApplyNoNewLineAfter;
function RemoveAsserts(arr) {
let need_semi = false;
let inAssert = false;
let n = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let has_semi = arr[i].indexOf(";") >= 0;
if (need_semi) {
arr[i] = '';
n = arr[i].indexOf("ASSERT ");
if (n >= 0) {
inAssert = true;
arr[i] = '';
if (!has_semi) {
if (inAssert) {
need_semi = true;
else {
need_semi = false;
exports.RemoveAsserts = RemoveAsserts;
function escapeText(arr, regex, escapedChar) {
let quotes = [];
let regexEpr = new RegExp(regex, "g");
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let matches = arr[i].match(regexEpr);
if (matches != null) {
for (var j = 0; j < matches.length; j++) {
var match = matches[j];
arr[i] = arr[i].replace(match, escapedChar.repeat(match.length));
return quotes;
function RemoveExtraNewLines(input) {
input = input.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '\r\n');
input = input.replace(/ \r\n/g, '\r\n');
input = input.replace(/\r\n\r\n\r\n/g, '\r\n');
return input;