# vitis_git Trying to make Vitis more git-friendly. ### Requirements - Tested on Vitis 2020.2 ### How it works Vitis is a little bit less pain in the ass than Vivado to version control decently, so this repository provide: - A good to start with `.gitignore` file - Git-hook-scripts to eliminate absolute paths in project files ### Workflow #### Create new project 1. When first starting a project, create the workspace in a new folder. 2. Copy the hardware specification file (.xsa) into the workspace folder. 3. Create a new platform project called `hw_platform` and choose the copied hardware specification file. 4. Create a new application project via `File -> New -> Application Project...`, choose the platform created befor and name it as you want. 5. Copy the `.gitignore` file and the `.githooks` folder from this repository into the workspace folder. 6. Execute the following commands in the workspace folder: - `git init` - Initialize git repository in the workspace folder - `git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks` - set path to git-hooks for this repository - `git add .` - add all relevant files to the repository - `git commit -m 'initial commit'` - create initial commit