# vivado-git Trying to make Vivado more git-friendly. ### Requirements - Tested on Vivado 2018.1 #### Windows - [Git for Windows](https://git-scm.com/download/win) - Add `C:\Program Files\Git\bin` (or wherever you have your `git.exe`) to your `PATH` #### Linux - Git ### Installation Add `Vivado_init.tcl` (or append the relevant lines if you already have something in it) along with the `scripts` directory to: - `%APPDATA%\Roaming\Xilinx\Vivado` on Windows - `~/.Xilinx/Vivado` on Linux ### How it works Vivado is a pain in the ass to source control decently, so these scripts provide: - A modified `write_project_tcl_git.tcl` script to generate the project script without absolute paths. - A git wrapper that will recreate the project script and add it before committing. - A Tcl script (`wproj`) to just create the Tcl project generator script without using git. This script can be called from the Tcl Console on Vivado. ### Workflow 1. When first starting a project, create it in a folder called `vivado_project` (e.g. `PROJECT_NAME/vivado_project`). All the untracked files will be under this directory. 2. Place your source files anywhere you want in your project folder (e.g. `PROJECT_NAME/src`). Here is an example of a possible project structure: ``` PROJECT_NAME ├── .git ├── .gitignore ├── project_name.tcl # Project generator script ├── src/ # Tracked source files │ ├── design │ │ ├── *.v │ │ └── *.vhd │ ├── testbench │ │ ├── *.v │ │ └── *.vhd │ ├── blockdesign │ │ ├── ui │ │ ├── ip │ │ ├── *.bd │ │ └── ... │ └── ... └── vivado_project/ # Untracked generated files ├── project_name.xpr ├── project_name.cache/ ├── project_name.hw/ ├── project_name.sim/ └── ... ``` 3. Initialize the git repository with `git init` on the Tcl Console. This will create the repository, automatically change to your project directory (`PROJECT_NAME`), generate the `.gitignore` file and stage it. 4. Stage your source files with `git add`. 5. When you are done, `git commit` your project. A `PROJECT_NAME.tcl` script will be created in your `PROJECT_NAME` folder and added to your commit. 6. Afterwards, when opening the project after cloning it, do it by using `Tools -> Run Tcl Script...` and selecting the `PROJECT_NAME.tcl` file created earlier. This will regenerate the project so that you can continue to work.