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# This file provides a basic wrapper to use git directly from the tcl console in
# Vivado.
# It requires the write_project_tcl_git.tcl script to work properly.
# Unversioned files will be put in the work_dir folder
# Ricardo Barbedo
namespace eval ::git_wrapper {
namespace export git
namespace export wproj
namespace import ::custom_projutils::write_project_tcl_git
namespace import ::current_project
namespace import ::common::get_property
proc git {args} {
set command [lindex $args 0]
# Change directory project directory if not in it yet
set proj_dir [regsub {\/work_dir$} [get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]] {}]
set current_dir [pwd]
if {
[string compare -nocase $proj_dir $current_dir]
} then {
puts "Not in project directory"
puts "Changing directory to: ${proj_dir}"
cd $proj_dir
switch $command {
"init" {git_init {*}$args}
"commit" {git_commit {*}$args}
"default" {exec git {*}$args}
proc git_init {args} {
set vivado_version [version -short]
set current_project [current_project]
# Generate gitignore file
puts "Generate gitignore file"
set file [open ".gitignore" "w"]
puts $file "work_dir/*"
puts $file ".Xil/*"
puts $file "*.str"
puts $file "*.log"
puts $file "*.jobs"
puts $file "*.jou"
close $file
# Generate readme file
puts "Generate readme file"
set file [open "" "w"]
puts $file "# ${current_project}"
puts $file ""
puts $file "Created with Vivado Version ${vivado_version}"
puts $file ""
puts $file "### Getting started"
puts $file ""
puts $file "Clone repo with `git clone --recurse-submodules`"
puts $file ""
puts $file "After cloning this repo open the project with Vivado by using `Tools -> Run Tcl Script...` and selecting the `${current_project}.tcl` file"
puts $file ""
puts $file "### Workflow"
puts $file ""
puts $file "- Place source/design files in folder created in the top directory of the repo (e.g. `REPO/src/` or `REPO/design/`)."
puts $file ""
puts $file "- **The `work_dir` folder will be untracked!**"
puts $file ""
puts $file "- Wenn you are done, `git add` your source/design files."
puts $file ""
puts $file "- Use the **Tcl Console** from Vivado to `git commit -m \"COMMIT_MESSAGE\"` your work. The `${current_project}.tcl` file will be recreated"
puts $file ""
puts $file "### Notes"
puts $file ""
puts $file "#### Block design"
puts $file ""
puts $file "When you change a block design, **befor you run synthesis** you have to *delete* the current HDL wrapper and *create a new* HDL wrapper for each changed design!"
close $file
# Initialize the repo
puts "Initialize the repo"
exec git {*}$args
exec git add .gitignore
exec git add
git_commit commit -m "create project"
puts "finished!"
proc git_commit {args} {
# Get project name
set proj_file [current_project].tcl
# Generate project and add it
write_project_tcl_git -no_copy_sources -use_bd_files -force $proj_file
puts $proj_file
exec git add $proj_file
# Now commit everything
exec git {*}$args
proc wproj {} {
# Change directory project directory if not in it yet
set proj_dir [regsub {\/work_dir$} [get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]] {}]
set current_dir [pwd]
if {
[string compare -nocase $proj_dir $current_dir]
} then {
puts "Not in project directory"
puts "Changing directory to: ${proj_dir}"
cd $proj_dir
# Generate project
set proj_file [current_project].tcl
puts $proj_file
write_project_tcl_git -no_copy_sources -use_bd_files -force $proj_file