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import { beautify } from "./VHDLFormatter";
import { indentDecode } from "./VHDLFormatter";
import { NewLineSettings } from "./VHDLFormatter";
import { BeautifierSettings } from "./VHDLFormatter";
import { RemoveAsserts } from "./VHDLFormatter";
import { ApplyNoNewLineAfter } from "./VHDLFormatter";
var showUnitTests = true;//window.location.href.indexOf("http") < 0;
if (showUnitTests) {
interface Function {
readonly name: string;
function UnitTestApplyNoNewLineAfter() {
console.log("=== ApplyNoNewLineAfter ===");
let input: Array<string> = ["a;", "b;"];
let expected: Array<string> = ["a;@@singleline","b;@@singleline"];
let parameters: Array<string> = [";"];
UnitTest4(ApplyNoNewLineAfter, "one blankspace", parameters, input, expected);
input = ["a;", "b THEN", "c"];
expected = ["a;@@singleline", "b THEN@@singleline", "c"];
parameters = [";", "then"];
UnitTest4(ApplyNoNewLineAfter, "one blankspace", parameters, input, expected);
function UnitTestRemoveAsserts() {
console.log("=== RemoveAsserts ===");
let input: Array<string> = ["ASSERT a;"];
let expected: Array<string> = [""];
UnitTest3(RemoveAsserts, "one assert", input, expected);
input = ["ASSERT a", "b;", "c"];
expected = ["", "", "c"];
UnitTest3(RemoveAsserts, "multiline assert", input, expected);
function UnitTestIndentDecode() {
console.log("=== IndentDecode ===");
UnitTest2(indentDecode, "one blankspace", " ", "one blankspace");
UnitTest2(indentDecode, "mixed chars", " A ", "one blankspace & one A & one blankspace");
UnitTest2(indentDecode, "4 blankspaces", " ", "four blankspace");
UnitTest2(indentDecode, "9 blankspaces", " ", "many blankspace");
function assert(testName, expected, actual, message?) {
var result = CompareString(actual, expected);
if (result != true) {
console.log(testName + " failed: " + result);
else {
//console.log(testName + " pass");
function assertArray(testName, expected, actual, message?) {
var result = CompareArray(actual, expected);
if (result != true) {
console.log(testName + " failed: " + result);
else {
//console.log(testName + " pass");
type StringCallback = (text: string) => string;
type ArrayCallback = (arr: Array<string>) => void;
type Array2Callback = (arr: Array<string>, parameters: Array<string>) => void;
function UnitTest4(func: Array2Callback, testName: string, parameters: Array<string>, inputs: Array<string>, expected: Array<string>) {
let actual = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(inputs));
func(actual, parameters);
assertArray(testName, expected, actual);
function UnitTest3(func: ArrayCallback, testName: string, inputs: Array<string>, expected: Array<string>) {
let actual = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(inputs));
assertArray(testName, expected, actual);
function UnitTest2(func: StringCallback, testName: string, inputs, expected: string) {
let actual: string = func(inputs);
assert(testName, expected, actual);
function deepCopy(objectToCopy: BeautifierSettings): BeautifierSettings {
return (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objectToCopy)));
function UnitTest() {
let new_line_after_symbols: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings();
new_line_after_symbols.newLineAfter = ["then", ";"];
new_line_after_symbols.noNewLineAfter = ["port", "generic"];
let settings: BeautifierSettings = new BeautifierSettings(false, false, false, false, false, "uppercase", " ", new_line_after_symbols);
let input = "architecture TB of TB_CPU is\r\n component CPU_IF\r\n port -- port list\r\n end component;\r\n signal CPU_DATA_VALID: std_ulogic;\r\n signal CLK, RESET: std_ulogic := '0';\r\n constant PERIOD : time := 10 ns;\r\n constant MAX_SIM: time := 50 * PERIOD;\r\n begin\r\n -- concurrent statements\r\n end TB;"
let expected = "ARCHITECTURE TB OF TB_CPU IS\r\n COMPONENT CPU_IF\r\n PORT -- port list\r\n END COMPONENT;\r\n SIGNAL CPU_DATA_VALID : std_ulogic;\r\n SIGNAL CLK, RESET : std_ulogic := '0';\r\n CONSTANT PERIOD : TIME := 10 ns;\r\n CONSTANT MAX_SIM : TIME := 50 * PERIOD;\r\nBEGIN\r\n -- concurrent statements\r\nEND TB;";
let actual = beautify(input, settings);
console.log("General", CompareString(actual, expected));
let newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
newSettings.RemoveComments = true;
expected = "ARCHITECTURE TB OF TB_CPU IS\r\n COMPONENT CPU_IF\r\n PORT \r\n END COMPONENT;\r\n SIGNAL CPU_DATA_VALID : std_ulogic;\r\n SIGNAL CLK, RESET : std_ulogic := '0';\r\n CONSTANT PERIOD : TIME := 10 ns;\r\n CONSTANT MAX_SIM : TIME := 50 * PERIOD;\r\nBEGIN\r\nEND TB;";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
console.log("Remove comments", CompareString(actual, expected));
let new_line_after_symbols_2: NewLineSettings = new NewLineSettings();
new_line_after_symbols_2.newLineAfter = [];
new_line_after_symbols_2.noNewLineAfter = ["then", ";", "generic", "port"];
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
newSettings.NewLineSettings = new_line_after_symbols_2;
expected = "a; b; c;";
input = "a; \r\nb;\r\n c;"
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
console.log("Remove line after ;", CompareString(actual, expected));
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
newSettings.RemoveAsserts = true;
input = "architecture arch of ent is\r\nbegin\r\n assert False report sdfjcsdfcsdj;\r\n assert False report sdfjcsdfcsdj severity note;\r\nend architecture;";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
console.log("Remove asserts", CompareString(actual, expected));
input = "entity TB_DISPLAY is\r\n-- port declarations\r\nend TB_DISPLAY;\r\n\r\narchitecture TEST of TB_DISPLAY is\r\n-- signal declarations\r\nbegin\r\n-- component instance(s)\r\nend TEST;";
expected = "ENTITY TB_DISPLAY IS\r\n -- port declarations\r\nEND TB_DISPLAY;\r\n\r\nARCHITECTURE TEST OF TB_DISPLAY IS\r\n -- signal declarations\r\nBEGIN\r\n -- component instance(s)\r\nEND TEST;";
actual = beautify(input, settings);
console.log("ENTITY ARCHITECTURE", CompareString(actual, expected));
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
newSettings.SignAlign = true;
input = "port map(\r\ninput_1 => input_1_sig,\r\ninput_2 => input_2_sig,\r\noutput => output_sig\r\n);";
expected = "PORT MAP(\r\n input_1 => input_1_sig, \r\n input_2 => input_2_sig, \r\n output => output_sig\r\n);";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
console.log("Sign align in PORT", actual == expected);
input = 'if a(3 downto 0) > "0100" then\r\na(3 downto 0) := a(3 downto 0) + "0011" ;\r\nend if ;';
expected = 'IF a(3 DOWNTO 0) > "0100" THEN\r\n a(3 DOWNTO 0) := a(3 DOWNTO 0) + "0011";\r\nEND IF;';
actual = beautify(input, settings);
console.log("IF END IF case 1", CompareString(actual, expected));
input = "if s = '1' then\r\no <= \"010\";\r\nelse\r\no <= \"101\";\r\nend if;";
expected = "IF s = '1' THEN\r\n o <= \"010\";\r\nELSE\r\n o <= \"101\";\r\nEND IF;";
actual = beautify(input, settings);
console.log("IF ELSE END IF case 1", actual == expected);
input = "IF (s = r) THEN rr := '0'; ELSE rr := '1'; END IF;";
expected = "IF (s = r) THEN\r\n rr := '0';\r\nELSE\r\n rr := '1';\r\nEND IF;";
actual = beautify(input, settings);
console.log("IF ELSE END IF case 2", actual == expected);
input = 'P1:process\r\nvariable x: Integer range 1 to 3;\r\nvariable y: BIT_VECTOR (0 to 1);\r\nbegin\r\n C1: case x is\r\n when 1 => Out_1 <= 0;\r\n when 2 => Out_1 <= 1;\r\n end case C1;\r\n C2: case y is\r\n when "00" => Out_2 <= 0;\r\n when "01" => Out_2 <= 1;\r\n end case C2;\r\nend process;';
expected = 'P1 : PROCESS\r\n VARIABLE x : INTEGER RANGE 1 TO 3;\r\n VARIABLE y : BIT_VECTOR (0 TO 1);\r\nBEGIN\r\n C1 : CASE x IS\r\n WHEN 1 => Out_1 <= 0;\r\n WHEN 2 => Out_1 <= 1;\r\n END CASE C1;\r\n C2 : CASE y IS\r\n WHEN "00" => Out_2 <= 0;\r\n WHEN "01" => Out_2 <= 1;\r\n END CASE C2;\r\nEND PROCESS;';
actual = beautify(input, settings);
console.log("WHEN CASE", CompareString(actual, expected));
input = "case READ_CPU_STATE is\r\n when WAITING =>\r\n if CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' then\r\n CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';\r\n READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;\r\n end if;\r\n when DATA1 =>\r\n -- etc.\r\nend case;";
expected = "CASE READ_CPU_STATE IS\r\n WHEN WAITING => \r\n IF CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' THEN\r\n CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';\r\n READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;\r\n END IF;\r\n WHEN DATA1 => \r\n -- etc.\r\nEND CASE;";
actual = beautify(input, settings);
console.log("WHEN CASE & IF", CompareString(actual, expected));
input = "entity aa is\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\nend aa;\r\narchitecture bb of aa is\r\n component cc\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n end cc;\r\n\r\nbegin\r\n C : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nend;";
expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc\r\n PORT MAP(\r\n long => a, \r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;";
actual = beautify(input, settings);
console.log("PORT MAP", CompareString(actual, expected));
input = "entity aa is\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\nend aa;\r\narchitecture bb of aa is\r\n component cc\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n port(\r\n a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n );\r\n end cc;\r\n\r\nbegin\r\n C : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\n D : cc port map (\r\n long => a,\r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nend;";
expected = "ENTITY aa IS\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\nEND aa;\r\nARCHITECTURE bb OF aa IS\r\n COMPONENT cc\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n PORT (\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n );\r\n END cc;\r\n\r\nBEGIN\r\n C : cc\r\n PORT MAP(\r\n long => a, \r\n b => b\r\n );\r\n D : cc\r\n PORT MAP(\r\n long => a, \r\n b => b\r\n );\r\nEND;";
actual = beautify(input, settings);
console.log("Multiple PORT MAPs", CompareString(actual, expected));
input = "port (a : in std_logic;\r\n b : in std_logic;\r\n);";
expected = "PORT \r\n(\r\n a : IN std_logic;\r\n b : IN std_logic;\r\n);";
new_line_after_symbols_2 = new NewLineSettings();
new_line_after_symbols_2.newLineAfter = ["then", ";", "generic", "port"];
newSettings = deepCopy(settings);
newSettings.NewLineSettings = new_line_after_symbols_2;
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
console.log("New line after PORT", CompareString(actual, expected));
input = "component a is\r\nport( Data : inout Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0););\r\nend component a;";
expected = "COMPONENT a IS\r\n PORT (Data : INOUT Std_Logic_Vector(7 DOWNTO 0););\r\nEND COMPONENT a;";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
console.log("New line aster PORT (single line)", CompareString(actual, expected));
input = "process xyx (vf,fr,\r\nde -- comment\r\n)";
expected = "PROCESS xyx (vf, fr, \r\n de -- comment\r\n )";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
console.log("Align parameters in PROCESS", CompareString(actual, expected));
input = "architecture a of b is\r\nbegin\r\n process (w)\r\n variable t : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) ;\r\nbegin\r\n a := (others => '0') ;\r\nend process ;\r\nend a;";
expected = "ARCHITECTURE a OF b IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n a := (OTHERS => '0');\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND a;";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
console.log("Double BEGIN", CompareString(actual, expected));
let newSettings2 = deepCopy(newSettings);
newSettings2.SignAlignAll = true;
input = "entity a is\r\n port ( w : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) ;\r\n w_s : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ; ) ;\r\nend a ;\r\narchitecture b of a is\r\nbegin\r\n process ( w )\r\n variable t : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) ;\r\n variable bcd : std_logic_vector (11 downto 0) ;\r\nbegin\r\n b(2 downto 0) := w(7 downto 5) ;\r\n t := w(4 downto 0) ;\r\n w_s <= b(11 downto 8) ;\r\n w <= b(3 downto 0) ;\r\nend process ;\r\nend b ;";
expected = "ENTITY a IS\r\n PORT \r\n (\r\n w : IN std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);\r\n w_s : OUT std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0); \r\n );\r\nEND a;\r\nARCHITECTURE b OF a IS\r\nBEGIN\r\n PROCESS (w)\r\n VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n VARIABLE bcd : std_logic_vector (11 DOWNTO 0);\r\n BEGIN\r\n b(2 DOWNTO 0) := w(7 DOWNTO 5);\r\n t := w(4 DOWNTO 0);\r\n w_s <= b(11 DOWNTO 8);\r\n w <= b(3 DOWNTO 0);\r\n END PROCESS;\r\nEND b;";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings2);
console.log("Align signs in all places", CompareString(actual, expected));
input = "begin\r\n P0 : process(input)\r\n variable value: Integer;\r\n begin\r\n result(i) := '0';\r\n end process P0;\r\nend behavior;";
expected = "BEGIN\r\n P0 : PROCESS (input)\r\n VARIABLE value : INTEGER;\r\n BEGIN\r\n result(i) := '0';\r\n END PROCESS P0;\r\nEND behavior;";
actual = beautify(input, newSettings);
console.log("Indent after Begin", CompareString(actual, expected));
function CompareString(actual: string, expected: string) {
var l = Math.min(actual.length, expected.length);
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (actual[i] != expected[i]) {
var toEnd = Math.min(i + 50, l);
return '\ndifferent at ' + i.toString() +
'\nactual: "\n' + actual.substring(i, toEnd) +
'\nexpected: "\n' + expected.substring(i, toEnd) + '"\n---' +
"\nactual (full): \n" + actual + "\n---" +
"\nexpected (full): \n" + expected + "\n====\n";
if (actual != expected) {
return 'actual: \n"' + actual + '"\nexpected: \n"' + expected + '"';
return true;
function CompareArray(actual: Array<string>, expected: Array<string>) {
var l = Math.min(actual.length, expected.length);
let result: string = "";
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (actual[i] != expected[i]) {
result += CompareString(actual[i], expected[i]) + "\n";
if (actual.length > expected.length) {
result += "actual has more items";
for (var i = expected.length; i < actual.length; i++) {
result += "actual[" + i + "] = " + actual[i];
else if (actual.length < expected.length) {
result += "expected has more items";
for (var i = actual.length; i < expected.length; i++) {
result += "expected[" + i + "] = " + expected[i];
return true;